
Teach boys how to relate with girls to reduce violence

Educating the boy-child is a crucial aspect of fostering positive social development, promoting equality, and building a just and inclusive society.

Rather than framing the conversation solely around protecting girls, teaching only girls how to behave around boys/men,the emphasis should be on fostering positive behaviours, attitudes, and relationships among all individuals.

Education plays a vital role in shaping individuals' perspectives, attitudes, and behaviours, and is instrumental in breaking down stereotypes and fostering inclusivity. When we focus on educating the boy-child with values of equality and respect, it contributes to building a more just and inclusive society in several ways.

Education helps challenge and break down traditional gender stereotypes that may limit both boys and girls. It encourages boys to pursue a wide range of interests and careers without feeling constrained by societal expectations.

Through education, boys can develop empathy and a deeper understanding of the experiences and challenges faced by people of all genders. This understanding contributes to a more compassionate and supportive society. Education fosters the development of social and emotional intelligence, helping boys to build healthy and respectful relationships. This includes understanding the importance of consent, communication, and shared decision-making.

An inclusive education environment teaches boys to appreciate diversity and treat everyone with respect, regardless of gender, age, race or background. This inclusivity contributes to a harmonious and supportive community. Education can instill a sense of social responsibility in boys, encouraging them to actively participate in creating positive change within communities. This includes advocating for gender equality and challenging discriminatory practices.

By promoting values of respect and equality, education plays a crucial role in preventing gender-based violence. Boys educated in an environment that condemns violence and promotes respectful behaviour are less likely to engage in harmful actions. Education equips boys with critical thinking skills, enabling them to question societal norms and challenge discriminatory practices. This helps them become advocates for positive change.

Empowered and educated boys are more likely to become leaders who champion inclusivity, diversity, and equality in various aspects of society, from the workplace to politics. Education contributes to the overall personal development of boys, nurturing qualities such as resilience, adaptability, and a sense of justice. These qualities can positively impact their interactions with others and their contributions to society.

In essence, an education that emphasises values of equality, respect, and empathy lays the foundation for boys to become individuals who contribute positively to the creation of a more just and inclusive society.

Remember that educating the boy-child is not about diminishing the importance of educating girls, it's about creating an inclusive and equitable educational environment for all. By fostering these principles, we contribute to the development of well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to society. It's about cultivating a mindset that values diversity, equality, and mutual understanding. It is about creating a safe environment for the girl-child at all times.

-Ms Kondoa is a communication specialist