Respect of human rights key as we develop infrastructure
Infrastructure development is a key component to Kenya’s goal of attaining a middle-income economy by 2030.
By Steve Ouma Akoth 6 years ago
Respect of human rights key as we develop infrastructure
The police must protect civil liberties
I recall with clarity a not too pleasant conversation I had sometime in 2006 with the then Internal Security Minister John Michuki at Harambee House.
By Steve Ouma Akoth 8 years ago
The police must protect civil liberties
To 'move on' is not alternative justice
As we embrace dilemmas of justice around the 2007/8 post-election violence, there has been a resurgence of the philosophy of Alternative Justice System born in the turbulent years of the 1980s and 1990s, when the integrity of the Judiciary was at ground zero.
By Steve Ouma Akoth 8 years ago
To 'move on' is not alternative justice
Social justice requires structural change
The President performed yet another of the important national rituals as provided in the constitution; addressing the country on the state of the nation.
By Steve Ouma Akoth 8 years ago
Social justice requires structural change
This is how Raila will make Ruto president again in 2027
Michael Ndonye
By Michael Ndonye
3 hrs ago
Ruto plans to keep Cabinet, PSs on toes
By Brian Otieno
3 hrs ago