Why ruling class must solve Gen-Z grievances after 'containing' riots
Kenyans appeared docile and willing to tolerate abuse until Gen Z surprised complacent officials by bursting into the world demonstration scene.
By 25 days ago
Why ruling class must solve Gen-Z grievances after 'containing' riots
Undercurrents of public displeasure with the government are evident
With the Gen Z uprising defused, Ruto’s behaviour raises questions as to what he learned. While he and Gachagua are ‘happy’, the undercurrents of unhappiness abound.
By 1 month ago
Undercurrents of public displeasure with the government are evident
Raila Odinga's political power lies in his ability to turn weaknesses into strength
Raila contributed ODM men to Ruto’s ‘broad-based’ government and still insisted that the Gen Z agenda was his agenda because, he claimed, he had previously raised the same issues.
By 1 month ago
Raila Odinga's political power lies in his ability to turn weaknesses into strength
Policy and decision makers must understand our immediate needs
There is a need to redefine threats to Kenyan security to include, besides the various known domains, the threat of dependency and lack of critical thinking.
By 1 month ago
Policy and decision makers must understand our immediate needs
Kamala Harris has high chance of clinching the presidency, to change US politics
Harris, like Obama, is symbolic of an evolving America that is torn between a past of sordid discrimination and atrocities on people who are not white.
By 1 month ago
Kamala Harris has high chance of clinching the presidency, to change US politics
Tribute to three departed heroes who helped in shaping Kenya's history
In the midst of the current youth revolution, three notable public-spirited middle-level giants, each unique, departed the earth.
By 2 months ago
Tribute to three departed heroes who helped in shaping Kenya's history
Young people's search for solutions an eye-opener to all Kenyans
Gen Z has captured local and global attention through its novelty in organising demonstrations. Its winning strategy was to go cyber, to remain ‘leaderless’, to out-think government officials.
By 2 months ago
Young people's search for solutions an eye-opener to all Kenyans
Demonstrations have shaped the direction of our great nation for years
By their very nature, people in government tend to be insensitive to the cries of the ruled in whatever entity they happen to govern.
By 2 months ago
Demonstrations have shaped the direction of our great nation for years
Over taxation has led to revolts and revolutions throughout history
When taxes become excessive, people revolt and this leads to new socio-political dispensations. Slaves in Haiti, suffering extreme type of blood taxation, overthrew their masters.
By 2 months ago
Over taxation has led to revolts and revolutions throughout history
Of colonial 'bwana' masters and modern-day pretenders to aristocracy
Pretensions to high class or aristocratic feelings are common to people who acquire some wealth irrespective of how they did so.
By 3 months ago
Of colonial 'bwana' masters and modern-day pretenders to aristocracy
Ruto policies may conflict with nation's strategic interests
Questions on whether officialdom promotes or sacrifices our core interests in exchange for peripheral ones have arisen. Ruto appears inconsistent, shifting policy positions in ways that ridicule him.
By 3 months ago
Ruto policies may conflict with nation's strategic interests
China takes advantage of US blunders to penetrate deeper into Africa
While the United States deals with Africa disdainfully partly because of inherent racism, China takes advantage of American blunders to identify with the plight of the Global South.
By 3 months ago
China takes advantage of US blunders to penetrate deeper into Africa
Unlike in 1964, Kenyans today have little hope for a brighter future
60 years later, with born-frees Ruto as President and Gachagua as deputy leading the Hustler Grandees, Kenya is suffering from serious anxiety and is floundering internationally.
By 3 months ago
Unlike in 1964, Kenyans today have little hope for a brighter future
President's tough balancing act as Kenya is courted by East and West
The US, good at making promises and having propaganda advantages, suffers credibility deficits due to failure to deliver; China is the reverse of that.
By 3 months ago
President's tough balancing act as Kenya is courted by East and West
DP Gachagua, Karua and the growing unhappiness in Mount Kenya
DP’s struggle to convince people to accept his leadership has repeatedly hit political bricks.
By 3 months ago
DP Gachagua, Karua and the growing unhappiness in Mount Kenya
Ruto is America's blue-eyed boy, but that might change if Trump returns
The US has had more influence on Kenyan elections. When occasionally Kenya appears to have small input in the American election, the loser is not amused.
By 4 months ago
Ruto is America's blue-eyed boy, but that might change if Trump returns
How Ruto like Uhuru before him, is fast losing trust and power
Like Reluctant President Uhuru before him, Ruto is unable to balance the attributes of ‘lion’ and the ‘fox’ and has lost trust.
By 4 months ago
How Ruto like Uhuru before him, is fast losing trust and power
Afwerki right on why Africa needs to rediscover itself to fulfill its dreams
The purported failure of Pan-Africanism, however, was in application but not in the concept. Whether in success or failure, the issue in Pan-Africanism is mostly attitudinal, one of the mind.
By 4 months ago
Afwerki right on why Africa needs to rediscover itself to fulfill its dreams
For US, Gaza is modern Vietnam and might lead to Biden's downfall
There is the possibility of Gaza, as the new Vietnam, similarly driving President Joe Biden out and at least shifting American attitude towards events in the Middle East.
By 4 months ago
For US, Gaza is modern Vietnam and might lead to Biden's downfall
General Francis Ogolla's death: Unanswered questions
Generals know wars and rise through the ranks by surviving battles and hardships
By 4 months ago
General Francis Ogolla's death: Unanswered questions
Political wrangles have stopped Murang'a from reclaiming its lost glory
Those Murang’a ‘leaders’ who sung “Tugokira Tene, Tugookira Tene”, now engage in ‘hambatano’. It is the curse of Murang’a.
By 4 months ago
Political wrangles have stopped Murang'a from reclaiming its lost glory
Jostling for supremacy in coalitions is not driven by any ideology
The two political coalitions that competed in August 2022, Azimio and Kenya Kwanza, are in tatters.
By 5 months ago
Jostling for supremacy in coalitions is not driven by any ideology
As we mark Easter, a lot is happening that Jesus would not approve of
Things are going wrong almost everywhere as oversize egos overrun common sense. Leaders abuse state and religious offices, terrorise citizens, and still talk of law and order.
By 5 months ago
As we mark Easter, a lot is happening that Jesus would not approve of
Why Russians voted overwhelmingly for Putin in recent elections
Attention on the election in Russia was not because roughly 86 million people, or 98 per cent of the registered voters, cast their ballots.
By 5 months ago
Why Russians voted overwhelmingly for Putin in recent elections
Biden fighting for political survival amid decline in America's greatness
Although Biden, when assuming office in January 2021, had talked of the US being ‘back’ and ready to lead the world, he actually had problems convincing those he hoped to lead.
By 6 months ago
Biden fighting for political survival amid decline in America's greatness
How China and Russia have fought to stamp their authority over the years
China struggles to avoid the mistakes it made roughly 500 years ago when it imagined itself to be at the top of the world and considered everyone else a barbarian.
By 6 months ago
How China and Russia have fought to stamp their authority over the years
Victimhood, resistance unite Global South as it claims 'polar' position
Global South is a geopolitical term referring to power relations and power play in the context of victimhood and resistance as the common feature across the geographies
By 6 months ago
Victimhood, resistance unite Global South as it claims 'polar' position
Geopolitics: Eight reasons Carlson's Putin interview ruffled feathers
Carlson, a former FOX TV journalist, is of a ‘conservative’ bend and likes grating the liberal establishment represented in the mainstream media.
By 6 months ago
Geopolitics: Eight reasons Carlson's Putin interview ruffled feathers
Kingori Mwangi combined tact and training to manage tough security situations
King'ori Mwangi reportedly declined to follow a 2013 order to remove security for Raila Odinga and his wife Ida because it would have violated the law.
By 7 months ago
Kingori Mwangi combined tact and training to manage tough security situations
Ruto and his 'Hustler Grandees' living large as real hustlers suffer
Ruto is hard-working, politically crafty, focused, and has produced a privileged class - The Hustler Grandees - with all the airs of European aristocratic pretensions.
By 7 months ago
Ruto and his 'Hustler Grandees' living large as real hustlers suffer
White people demean Africans to mask their own past inadequacies
Recent utterances by leading Euro-American celebrities on the inferiority of the Africans when compared to people of white colour are not new.
By 7 months ago
White people demean Africans to mask their own past inadequacies
Musalia's knack for diplomacy puts him a cut above Cabinet colleagues
Like Mwai Kibaki in the 1990s, Musalia is the second choice for everyone if the first does not do. He is dynasty with a sense of noblesse that does not threaten.
By 7 months ago
Musalia's knack for diplomacy puts him a cut above Cabinet colleagues
Abiy's unbridled ambitions stoking tensions in neighbouring countries
Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Ahmed Abiy is good at creating internal and regional instability and fanning the embers of war.
By 8 months ago
Abiy's unbridled ambitions stoking tensions in neighbouring countries
Why Kenya is starting 2024 on wrong footing, politically
Kagame and Museveni rescued their countries from devastating wars; Ruto appears willing to ‘save’ Kenya from the ‘generic peace’ that it enjoys.
By 8 months ago
Why Kenya is starting 2024 on wrong footing, politically
Colonialism never really came to an end; it only changed it's shape
Post-modern colonialism replaced the failing neo-colonialism as a doctrine of control.
By 8 months ago
Colonialism never really came to an end; it only changed it's shape
Why Jesus is most likely unhappy with Christians this Christmas
There is a crisis in Christianity. The churches have discredited themselves with spiritual and moral inadequacies.
By 8 months ago
Why Jesus is most likely unhappy with Christians this Christmas
Congo's instability is deliberate to drain wealth, impoverish, enslave
Dream of a more stable Congo is dissipating because it is not in the interests of extra-continental powers. Country yet to enjoy independence with locals ending up as victims of external strategies.
By 8 months ago
Congo's instability is deliberate to drain wealth, impoverish, enslave
The place of Gikonyo in Kenya's journey towards independence
Kiano became a major anti-colonial player on the eve of independence. He helped to make education an inspirational tool of anti-colonialism.
By 8 months ago
The place of Gikonyo in Kenya's journey towards independence
Ruto's blunders that make Raila to look good
Ruto, obsessed with experimenting on Kenyans as a ‘scientist’ and in controlling everything, has lost credibility. As cronies surround him, there is doubt whether he knows he is losing.
By 9 months ago
Ruto's blunders that make Raila to look good
West undermines efforts of some countries to develop for selfish reasons
Some countries are developing while others are under-developing as part of geo-political realignment which questions the tendencies of some powers to dominate others.
By 9 months ago
West undermines efforts of some countries to develop for selfish reasons