Protect us from poor quality products, exploitative prices
Protecting consumers help cushion them not only against predatory pricing but also instills confidence in different institutions of government.
By Nyatundo George Oruongo 1 year ago
Protect us from poor quality products, exploitative prices
How Supreme Court influenced IEBC vote count in this year's poll
In 2017, Raila's case was that Chebukati announced the final presidential result without 11,000 forms 34A.
By Nyatundo George Oruongo 2 years ago
How Supreme Court influenced IEBC vote count in this year's poll
Do not allow criminals, money to ruin our nascent democracy
It must never be forgotten that state function is a trust to serve not to rule.
By Nyatundo George Oruongo 2 years ago
Do not allow criminals, money to ruin our nascent democracy
Conflict of interest likely to arise if former governors join Senate
The new urge in several governors who now want to vie for Senate seats in the same counties they have served has been met with scepticism.
By Nyatundo George Oruongo 2 years ago
Conflict of interest likely to arise if former governors join Senate
This is how Raila will make Ruto president again in 2027
Michael Ndonye
By Michael Ndonye
4 hrs ago
Ruto plans to keep Cabinet, PSs on toes
By Brian Otieno
4 hrs ago