Let's move away from mitigation measures and teach communities how to cope
Climate change interventions should now be related to helping the communities enhance their capacity and resilience to cope with the effects of climate change.
By Victor Bwire 1 year ago
Let's move away from mitigation measures and teach communities how to cope
House should not pull back access to information gains
It is becoming hard for the media to access and report on Parliament because some staff at the August House believe administrative fiat overrides constitutional provisions on media freedom.
By Victor Bwire 1 year ago
House should not pull back access to information gains
Stop 2022 politics and deliver to Kenyans
Unfortunately, it is increasingly rare that a politician is not focused merely on re-election.
By Beatrice Elachi 5 years ago
Stop 2022 politics and deliver to Kenyans
We must treat root causes of terror, not the symptoms
Medical science is a diverse field with a wide range of viewpoints.
By Beatrice Elachi 5 years ago
We must treat root causes of terror, not the symptoms
Let’s embrace humility to win corruption war
Many of us were born and raised in the most humble of backgrounds. Our parents had very little beyond subsistence production and the clothes they wore
By Beatrice Elachi 6 years ago
Let’s embrace humility to win corruption war
To rally the public, keep politics out of graft purge
Selfish politics and unnecessary turf wars have fueled corruption in Kenya over the years.
By Beatrice Elachi 6 years ago
To rally the public, keep politics out of graft purge
Opinion: NASA’s ultimatum on poll announcement is pure conmanship
If you thought NASA would use its first rally since Raila Odinga was named its flag-bearer to release a positive vision for Kenya and some actual policies for development, then you haven’t been paying enough attention
By Beatrice Elachi 7 years ago
Opinion: NASA’s ultimatum on poll announcement is pure conmanship
Jubilee Party will unite the country
It has taken us several evolutions and election cycles to realise that fragmenting, violent and ethnic politics destroys rather than builds our nation.
By Beatrice Elachi 8 years ago
Jubilee Party will unite the country
Politics influencing indiscipline in schools
Just like a rotten apple can spoil the whole barrel, seeing their peers set alight their schools with no repercussions means that the burning of dormitories in boarding schools has spread across the country.
By Beatrice Elachi 8 years ago
Politics influencing indiscipline in schools
Kenya’s foreign policy shift welcome
There is much to be expected now that President Uhuru Kenyatta has set the pace of foreign relations with the international community.
By Beatrice Elachi 8 years ago
Kenya’s foreign policy shift welcome
Dadaab and Kakuma closure overdue
On world refugee day, the UNHCR released a report stating that there are now more refugees globally than at the end of World War 2 and that over 50 per cent of the 65.2 million refugees and displaced persons were found in Africa and the Middle East.
By Beatrice Elachi 8 years ago
Dadaab and Kakuma closure overdue
Is Okoa Kenya a problem of principle?
Amending the constitution is the unequivocal prerogative of citizens. Article 257 of the constitution guarantees it.
By Beatrice Elachi 8 years ago
Is Okoa Kenya a problem of principle?
President Uhuru keen to slay graft dragon
Unscrupulous leaders continue to line their pockets with public funds that could be used to equip hospitals, train and equip our security agencies; provide essential social services like water and sanitation and provide better education for our children.
By Beatrice Elachi 8 years ago
President Uhuru keen to slay graft dragon
Jubilee keen on youth empowerment
The Jubilee government got into office with a specific agenda around youth empowerment. This was because the owners of the Jubilee campaign and its largest support base across the country were the Kenyan youth.
By Beatrice Elachi 8 years ago
Jubilee keen on youth empowerment
Impeachment: Separating truth and lies
Since the onset of devolution after the first General Elections held under the Constitution of Kenya 2010, there have been several impeachment attempts both at the national and county levels.
By Beatrice Elachi 8 years ago
Impeachment: Separating truth and lies
Kenyan MPs as the weakest link in the New Order
In 2010, Kenyans adopted a new Constitution with the desire to redefine the relationship between citizen and State and a restructuring of the architecture of government.
By Beatrice Elachi 8 years ago
Kenyan MPs as the weakest link in the New Order
Quality of leadership falling in Kenya
A culture of mediocrity in leadership is gradually sinking into the Kenyan political space.
By Beatrice Elachi 8 years ago
Quality of leadership falling in Kenya
The place of youth in Kenya's strategic plans
Last week, Kenya hosted a pan-African Conference on Violent Extremism (CVE), which dealt with formulating joint responses to fighting one of the key challenges of our time. One critical question was: what to do with the youth bulge.
By Beatrice Elachi 9 years ago
The place of youth in Kenya's strategic plans
This is how Raila will make Ruto president again in 2027
Michael Ndonye
By Michael Ndonye
3 hrs ago
Ruto plans to keep Cabinet, PSs on toes
By Brian Otieno
3 hrs ago