
Police arrest businessman for drunk driving and destruction of property

The businessman was drunk and disorderly. [iStockphoto]

A prominent businessman has been arrested by the police in Taita Taveta County for alleged dangerous driving, being drunk and disorderly, and causing destruction of property.

According to the police, the businessman appeared to be drunk and disorderly at the time of the accident, which resulted in the paralysis of operations at the Bahari filling station in Wundanyi town.

The suspect reportedly collided with the petrol station, causing damage to property of unknown value.

Among the properties destroyed were the fuel pump machine and other structures, disrupting businesses at the facility.


Onesmus Kombe, the Taita Sub County Police commander, stated that the suspect has been detained at Wundanyi Police Station, and an investigation into the incident has been initiated.

Kombe further mentioned that the suspect was taken to Voi for an alcohol blow test, which confirmed that he was intoxicated at the time of the incident.

He said the police are still recording statements, and the suspect will be taken to court once investigations are complete.

"We are still going through the necessary criminal process, and once we conclude our investigations, we will take the suspect to court," said the police commander yesterday.

Breaching the peace

Kombe added that other reports also indicate that the suspect breached the peace at the filling station. He confirmed that both the suspect and the vehicle have been detained at the station.

The management of the filling station said the suspect was speeding as he drove into the facility.

"The businessman was speeding when he drove to the filling station and destroyed the fuel pump machine, besides verbally abusing patrons and the police who arrived at the scene of the accident," said the filling station proprietor, Abdi Adan.

He drove into the premises at high speed, hitting the fuel pump machine and causing damage to other properties.

"The iron hut covering the fuel pump machine and mortar was brought down, disrupting operations at the filling station," said Adan.

According to Adan, the businessman owes him Sh 2000 worth of fuel he had consumed in the morning.

"The businessman was drunk and disorderly when he arrived at the filling station.

"After destroying my property, he also verbally abused workers," said Adan.