
Tyranny of numbers will soon plunge the country into anarchy

In one of his articles, Prof Nyong’o, quotes Darrell Huff’s warning on numbers. Huff warns against developing blind faith in numbers since there is always ’terror in numbers.’

With Mutahi Ngunyi’s tyranny of numbers jingle, the legislators on the jubilee side have been freed from the capacity to think and make sound decisions. They have developed a blind faith in their large numbers in parliament and vote for or against any motion without taking time to understand the underlying contents of the motion.

With this jingle, Kenya is slowly being driven back to dark times of the colonial rule where Kenyans were exposed to whatever law the colonialist believed to self-serving their rulership.

The fate of motions in Kenyan parliament is always known even before the actual debate. Take for instance the motion filled by the Opposition on the impeachment of the President which is foredoomed even before the legislators are made to understand why the opposition is sponsoring such a motion.

The tyranny of numbers is soon driving the country into anarchy where majority will always have to impose their ways on the minority. This exercised for a long time will create resentment and hatred which are sure sponsors of violence.

Legislature is tasked with the duties to make and amend laws that govern a state. A role that calls for sobriety and critical thinking among the lawmakers, a rare ingredient in our MPs.

The MPs should know that they make laws for the citizens and not the government alone. The jubilee MPs should understand that by using their large numbers in parliament to give the President immunity against the laws will soon plunge the country into violence.

The president violated the rule of law by declining to give the teachers their court awarded pay rise which is a gross misconduct warranting the impeachment of the head of state. If the president seems not to respect the constitution, the citizens too feel not obligated to respect the presidency and the laws.