
Nacada must change tack, strategy not working

It is sad that we are losing the war on drugs and substance abuse. However, the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (Nacada) is wrong to blame county governments for lack of support.

Nacada has done much less than is required but county governments should also work hand-in-hand with the agency to eradicate the drugs menace.

Nacada needs to step up its campaigns, its strategy is not working. They have to organise roadshows, TV commercials, talk shows, involve the youth in tournaments and races that help create awareness.

Nacada Director Sheikh Juma needs to be reminded that we need not build rehabilitation centres if the agency does their work well and sensitises the nation well on the effects of drugs and substance abuse.

The agency's reactive approach at the expense of a proactive one is to blame for the increased cases of school-going children engaging in drugs and substance abuse coupled with sexual orgies in clubs and matatus. Time is nigh for the agency to rise to the occasion since it has enough money to fight the menace.