
Stop politicians spreading hate speech

I want to register by displeasure with Francis Ole Kaparo Chaired commission for failing Kenyans to assert its mandate and authority to ensure peace and harmony among Kenyans.

National Commission for Integration and Cohesion has failed to prosecute individuals who are continuously spreading hate speech in social media and in public rallies.

The individuals who majority includes politicians are giving destructive and inflammatory remarks in their speeches and utterances and I am afraid that this situation may go out of control if the commission does not act with speed.

Therefore, I wish to urge and encourage the commission to probe our politicians who are spreading hate speech on social media, different gathering and rallies across the country.

The politicians are using vulgar language against some communities to balkanize Kenyans into ethic blocs in a bid to consolidate their votes especially for the presidency. It’s uncommon to hear; “Let us elect one of our own” or “Let us elect one of own” during the said meetings.

It’s tragic that the politicians who are busy trying to divide us along ethnic line, never learned any lesson from the 20007/8 post-election violence that caused so much suffering to Kenyans.

The scars of the violence are yet to heal. Kaparo Commission should crack the down the politicians and ensure they preach peace and cohesion.

And if these merchants of hate think that the law is only meant to applicable on the common Mwananchi, then they in for a rude shock because Kenyans want peaceful elections next year.

The commission should show that they have teeth to bite.