
Kalenjin elders want Ruto to urgently reconcile with all URP rebels

Deputy President William Ruto

A section of Kalenjin elders have called for a truce between Deputy President William Ruto and a section of rebel elected leaders in the Rift Valley region.

Led by Simeon Murkelda and William Sawe, the elders appealed to Ruto to move with speed and facilitate a reconciliatory meeting for the sake of unity of the Kalenjin community ahead of 2017 general elections.

The elders want Ruto to take the first initiative and call for an urgent meeting that would bring together leaders who have rebelled against URP.

Those who have been giving the DP sleepless nights include Bomet governor Isaac Ruto, MPs Oscar Sudi (Kapseret), Alfred Keter (Nandi Hills) and Johana Ngeno (Emurua Dikir).

"What we want is see our people working together. The DP should not dismiss his political critics in Rift Valley and he should urgently call for a meeting to resolve issues that are threatening to divide the community along ethnic and political lines from South Rift and North Rift regions," argued Murkelda who is also the National chairman of Kalenjin Welfare Association.

He pointed out that the war of words between DP and URP rebels during campaigns for Kericho by-election had depicted members of Kalenjin community and their leaders in bad light.

Murkelda asked the deputy president to mend fences with his critics to increase chances of the ruling coalition to retain power in the next polls.

Rebel leaders have in the recent past taken on DP and Jubilee administration in public forums over failure to live up to its pre-election promises to the people of Rift Valley.

However Sudi on his part insisted that nothing would deter him from speaking the truth when it comes to issues affecting Kenyans.

"I don't have any problem with deputy President, he is my friend, the same thing to the president, but the only differences is about the challenges we have been overseeing from the recent past, especially on pledges they promised us during their campaigns. They have done nothing for sure, and we fear that this game trend may cause some of us come next election," Sudi stated.