
An open letter to former UNEP chief - Mr. Achim Steiner

On behalf of the sovereign people of Kenya and the entire fraternity of environment, I humbly take this noble opportunity to extend my heartfelt gratitude to you and the entire UNEP offices for the commendable job during your tenure at UN office. Your unrelenting efforts have seen significant improvements in environment, more so in addressing the global menace, the one known as climate change.

As a climatologist, I was quite keen and made incessant follow-ups on climate talks and negotiations during COP21 climate summit in Paris, France. The overall process of negotiations was worthwhile. We hope that the entire world will live to reciprocate similar efforts during the forthcoming COP 22 climate conference in Marrakech, Morocco. With the good leadership you established, greenhouse emissions control is technically feasible given the imprint you left behind. The call for ratification of COP21 resolutions comes against the backdrop effects of extreme events faced by the developing world in the wake of climate change. Worth mentioning, the world has been enduring a protracted pain in adaptation and mitigation of climate change and variability.

Needless to say, extreme events have taken an international bearing, leaving some parts of the world hopeless and vision less. El Niño rains and droughts are the lead culprits of extreme events. Many people have been displaced while many lives have been lost when the hazards unfold. Furthermore, many developing countries have struggled beyond their capacities in efforts to bring to zero the effects of extreme events. The UNEP offices in conjunction with various UN agencies have made significant contributions in fostering efficient and sustainable future for all. I must thank you for the good work.

Finally, I am indebted and humble to place my sincere request to the UN offices to continue with the same tempo of hard work and dedication. Remember that the world is with you and happy. They look forward to your continual technical support and leadership even though your tenure is over. As I conclude, I beg to leave you with one noble request. Paris climate deal need ratification and being a great player, you have to be part and parcel in the Marrakech convention. The time is nigh for agreements to be transformed from paper to viable actions on the ground. Paris agreements are binding and must be legally signed and ratified within the system. We are looking forward to a greener and healthy future. Thank you. 

An open thank you letter written to appreciate Mr. Achim Steiner, former UNEP- Chief Executive Director for his commendable efforts in making COP 21 convention a reality.