
CORD: We will resume anti-IEBC demos next week

Siaya Senator James Orengo joins Mtongwe Women Group in a jig during a funds drive at Mtongwe Girls Secondary School in Mombasa, yesterday. [Photo: Omondi Onyango/Standard]

A group of CORD leaders have accused President Uhuru Kenyatta of delaying the appointment of new poll commissioners and threatened to go back to the streets.

Led by senators James Orengo (Siaya) and Bonny Khalwale (Kakamega), the leaders warned that the Opposition will resume mass action in a week’s time if the National Treasury does not release money to pay off the current Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) commissioners to pave way for their replacements.

Orengo and Khalwale, who sat in the parliamentary select committee that recommended the disbandment of the current electoral commission, addressed separate rallies in Likoni and Tudor areas of Mombasa yesterday, and accused President Kenyatta and his government of orchestrating a delay of electoral reforms.

“Uhuru has has refused to release cash from the Treasury to allow us chose commissioners. Next week, demonstrations will commence if the money is not released to pay the commissioners,” Orengo said during a fundraiser in Likoni.

In Tudor, where Khalwale met party delegates, the Senator said the President and Attorney General Githu Muigai should be blamed for the delay in IEBC reforms and warned that the Opposition will take action.

“We are giving President Kenyatta notice that if the IEBC commissioners are not paid their (send-off) packages within one week, then we will take action,” the Kakamega Senator said.

Orengo said the law passed by Parliament last month holds the key to a free, fair and peaceful election next year. Nominated Senator Agnes Zani and MPs Junet Mohamed and Aisha Jumwa accused Jubilee of buying off Coast ODM leaders in a bid to penetrate the region.