
Principled leaders should emulate General Nkaissery

As the country mourns the death of Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery, one thing that stands out is the shortage of principled and resolute leaders in our country.

We lack leaders who desire to get things done quickly and in the right manner. I’m not saying soft-spoken and overly-accommodating leaders have no place in our country, but the kind of challenges and crises we face require leaders who have a strong character and determination, and who are not easily swayed.

Unfortunately, such leaders face resistance from those who are comfortable with the status quo. The majority of people who end up at the top of many organisations are not necessarily performers and that is why many State corporations end up making losses and eventually face eminent closure.

Again, it’s not enough to have a competent leader - those who work with him or her must also be competent and share the same vision and aspirations. It can be challenging for a leader to work with people who are busy plotting for the next opportunity to steal.

That the President picked Fred Matiang’i to replace Nkaissery in an acting capacity demonstrates that there is a shortage of good leaders who exert their clout and influence positively to make our country great!

It is therefore in the best interests of our country that we nurture young people to be leaders so we do not experience a power vacuum when the current generation of leaders hands over the baton.

We need strong mentoring and succession programmes for our young population. That’s why it is very important to rein in on issues that affect young people such as drugs and gambling. Joe Musyoki, Kitengela

It is unfortunate that the country has lost one of its greatest leaders. Nkaissery was a great statesman, true patriot and a tough general who performed his work to the best of his ability.

His toughness stood out on matters insecurity and fighting terrorism. His role in cleaning up the security docket cannot be over-emphasised. Kenyans need to be told what really killed Nkaissery.  Peter Mburu, Nakuru