
Uhuru’s Jubilee wins eight seats in Western

Mumias East MP-elect Benjamin Washiali displays his certificate after being declared the winner on a Jubilee Party ticket. [Benjamin Sakwa, Standard]

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party won eight of 33 parliamentary seats in the western region, which had been considered the backyard of the Opposition.

Uhuru made a significant improvement on the presidential votes he got from the region compared to the 2013 election results.

In Kakamega, Uhuru got 63,191 votes, up from the 12,469 he got in 2013. His main rival, NASA candidate Raila Odinga, got 481,118 votes, up from the 303,120 of 2013.

An improvement

In Bungoma, Uhuru managed 125,865 votes, an improvement from the 42,988 of 2013, while in Vihiga County he got 18,254, up from 2,542 in 2013.

Uhuru also got 34,400 votes, up from the 8,186 he got in 2013 in Busia County.

Jubilee won four parliamentary seats in Kakamega while ANC got five, leaving ODM with two and Ford Kenya one.

Jubilee Party captured Mumias East, Navakholo, Malava, and Ikolomani seats while ANC got Khwisero, Matungu, Butere, Lugari, and Lurambi seats.

Interestingly, ODM lost Butere, which is the home turf of the party’s deputy leader, Wycliffe Oparanya. In 2013, ODM won six seats.

After being declared the winner, Mumias East MP Benjamin Washiali acknowledged that it was tough to sell Jubilee in western region.

“It has been a tough race. The election has been competitive. Jubilee has managed four seats in Kakamega and we are happy about it. NASA thought it will beat Jubilee easily but we welcome them so that we can work together for the sake of development,” said Washiali.

The legislator has promised to work with ANC leaders for the prosperity of the county.

“If Jubilee wins the presidency, we will have to ensure ANC is part of the government. We want to forge ahead as one team to develop this region,” he said.

Jubilee defeated Ford Kenya in Bungoma, where the Lion party is dominant.

Ford Kenya is headed by Bungoma Senator Moses Wetang’ula, who is also a NASA co-principal.

Jubilee won Mt Elgon, Sirisia, Webuye West, and Kimilili seats while Ford Kenya took Kanduyi, Kabuchai, and Tongaren. ANC won in Webuye East while Bumula was taken by an independent candidate.

ODM was locked out of the county even though in 2013 it won the Sirisia seat before the MP, John Waluke, decamped to Jubilee. The party won five of the seven constituencies in Busia County.

The Orange party won Budalang’i, Butula, Funyula, Matayos, and Teso South while Nambale and Teso North went to ANC. In Vihiga, NASA locked out Jubilee by sweeping all five seats shared among its affiliate parties - ANC (three) and ODM and Ford Kenya one each.

ODM won the governorship through its candidate, Wilbur Otichillo. The county is the home ground of ANC leader and NASA co-principal Musalia Mudavadi.

[Alex Wakhisi]