
ANC dismisses allegation to ditch NASA, warns Jubilee ‘sympathisers’

Kakamega County Senator Cleophas Malala (left) talk to Lurambi Mp Bishop Titus Khamala(right) nominated Mp Godfrey Osotsi a (second right) and Kakamega MCA Farouk Machanja shortly after addressing press in Kakamega. (Benjamin Sakwa)

Amani National Congress (ANC) has denied signing any agreement in NASA for Kalonzo Musyoka to be the automatic opposition presidential candidate in 2022.

The Musalia Mudavadi led party said the existing agreement provides that ODM should not provide a presidential candidate in 2022.

However, they maintained that ANC is in NASA to stay warning Jubilee sympathisers and cartels from trying to create wrangles in the coalition.

Nominated MP Godfrey Osotsi who served as ANC Secretary General during signing of NASA agreement said Wiper, ANC and Ford Kenya will wrestle out for the seat.

“We have an agreement on how 2022 presidency will be handled. We do not have any MoU to hand over power to Musyoka automatically. The agreement states that the party which produced presidential candidate in 2017 will not be allowed to have its candidate in 2022,” said Osotsi.

He said any party in the coalition apart from ODM is free to have a candidate and through election they will pick the best candidate.

Mr Osotsi who was accompanied by Kakamega senator Cleophas Malala and Lurambi MP Titus Khamala with a host of ANC MCAs said ANC is now preparing to have Mudavadi as the presidential candidate in 2022.

“We are preparing ourselves to have Mudavadi as the flag bearer in 2022. We warn ANC cartels that we will shame them and their plans," said Malala.

Malala denied claims made by Lugari MP Ayub Savula that ANC will pullout of NASA for being shortchanged by ODM.

He accused Savula and some Jubilee sympathizers for rocking NASA from within.

“We have cartels in ANC who are causing losses to our party. They have made the party to look disorganized and want to auction it to Jubilee. We know their schemes and links to Jubilee. We will reveal them and their plans in the next two weeks,” said Malala.

He said ANC will hold its grass root election early next year to fill all elective positions in preparation for having Mudavadi as NASA leader in 2022.

“Our focus is to have Mudavadi as our candidate in 2022. We do not want boardroom appointments that will kill our party,” he said.

Khamala asked NASA chief Raila Odinga to support Mudavadi for presidency in 2022.

“The community has supported Raila for long. In 2022 we are asking him this early to prepare to support Mudavadi. If he will insist on contesting then he should be ready to lose our support,” said Khamala.

“The community will rally behind one candidate. We have agreement to have all leaders from this region to unite and support Mudavadi in 2022.”

 Savula on his part has organized a one-day summit in Kakamega to chat way forward for the community ahead of 2022.

The meeting organized by the Obulala Movement, said his lobby group will make a declaration on the way forward for the region.

Richard Ekhalie, organizer of the event said the event will be the beginning of generation change in western Kenya leadership.

“The much anticipated event is the beginning of a generational change in Western Kenya leadership. The summit is going to mark the rediscovery or rejuvenation of the sleeping giant that is Luhya Community with the view to making it take its rightful place on the main national stage,” said Ekhalie.

He said the one-day summit will end with a declaration dubbed Sheywe Declaration on the community’s socio-economic and political well-being and generational change in leaders.

“The Summit will provide a perfect opportunity for the much needed paradigm shift in Luhya leadership as Young Turks will be stepping up to provide progressive, brave and visionary leadership to improve the lives of the community in the succession battle,” he said.