
Driver storms church with jembe to get wife

A driver has been charged with creating disturbance after allegedly storming a church for his wife.

Peter Ng’ang’a Wanyoike is alleged to have forced his way into Believers of Paris Blessing Ministries church in Nairobi’s Umoja 3 and chased away his wife Judy Njeri.

The two are said to have been living separately after a bitter disagreement. According to prosecution, the accused stormed into the church after he saw his estranged wife entering the house of God.

Angered, Wanyoike allegedly followed her into the church armed with a hoe and went on to hit her.

This is said to have caused a stir in the church as members fled for safety. Wanyoike was later arrested.

He however denied the charges and was released on a cash bail of Sh5,000 pending hearing on April 5, 2019.

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