
Junior police officer accuses boss of assault, fractured leg


Police constable attached to Chuka Police Station is nursing a fractured leg after he was allegedly attacked by his boss.

A police officer attached to Chuka Police Station in Tharaka Nithi County is nursing a fractured leg after he was allegedly attacked by a senior officer on Saturday.

Samuel Ndung'u, a constable and a dog handler at the police station, said he had visited the officer to explain a few issues concerning the department when he pushed him out and fell on stairs causing the injury.

"I just went to his office to explain that I had not gone to patrol with the dog that night since it was unwell but before I could do that, he started pushing me out and kicked me using his right foot when I fell on the stairs causing a fracture on the right leg. We have never had any problems with him before," he narrated.

He was later taken to Chuka County Referral Hospital by members of the public who witnessed the incident.

He visited the hospital again on Monday morning and after further examination, an orthopedic surgeon recommended that the knee be operated to fix the broken cap.

He has been transferred to Tenri Hospital in the neigbouring Embu County for specialised treatment.

"The officer has not talked to me since that day even just to find out how I am doing, " said Ndung'u who has worked at the station for four years.

Contacted, Tharaka-Nithi County Police Commander Charles Mbatu said he had not received any report but promised to follow up.

Chuka Sub County Police Commander Joseph Kavoo said he had not yet received any official information on the alleged attack but had talked to the senior officer on phone after journalists started inquiring on the same.

The senior officer denied assaulting his junior.