
Covid -19: Two schools shut in Mombasa after 15 teachers, pupils test positive

A view of Tononoka Secondary School in Mombasa. The School has been closed indefinitely after 11 teachers tested positive for Covid 19. The students missed doing an assessment test which kicked off on October 21, 2020.[Omondi Onyango, Standard]

Two secondary schools in Mombasa have been closed down after 15 teachers tested positive for coronavirus.

Local authorities confirmed that four teachers at Star of the Sea Girls High School had contracted Covid-19 as were 11 others at Tononoka Secondary School.

Samples were taken at the weekend and results delivered on Monday. Several students at Tononoka Secondary are said to be sick after interacting with the infected teachers.

There are reports another teacher from a third institution, a boarding secondary school, is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at Coast Provincial General Hospital after testing positive.

“More samples from students and teachers at Star of the Sea Girls have been taken for testing. We’re waiting for the results,” County Commissioner Gilbert Kitiyo said yesterday.


Kitiyo said the schools will remain closed for the next two weeks to allow for fumigation. Parents were on Monday informed of the closure.

“We have lately been witnessing an increase in new infections meaning we will need more beds and other equipment to take care of the patients,” Kitiyo said.

Meanwhile, Kenya National Union of Nurses county secretary Peter Maroko announced that one of their members died at Likoni Sub-county Hospital on Friday due to Covid-19-related complications

It also emerged that two health workers at the same institution have tested positive and seven others are in isolation. Kitiyo, Governor Hassan Joho and Mvita MP Abdulswamad Nassir, who spoke during Mashujaa Day celebrations on Tuesday, said the region may be experiencing a second wave of infections. Mombasa was lauded for the measures the administration took in the fight against the disease.