
Another woman killed by husband in Kajiado

The suspect is alleged to have killed his wife on Friday, April 30, 2021. [Peterson Githaiga, Standard]

A 33-year-old man from Kajiado Town has been arrested on suspicion of killing his wife.

Renald Kamerima Allan is alleged to have smashed a bottle against his spouse’s head, killing her on the spot on Friday night.

The two, who reside in Dump Site area, are said to have been embroiled in unending domestic dispute.

The couple’s neighbours told The Standard that they heard a commotion emanating from the pair’s house, but the noises faded after the brief melee.

“Initially, I thought the two were having their usual domestic fights, only to learn this morning that Kamerima killed his wife,” said Josephine Sakanga, a neighbour.

Police say preliminary investigations indicate the suspect unsuccessfully attempted to discard the body of his spouse, Cynthia Chesang Chepkuto.

After the failed bid, Kamerima is alleged to have locked the 33-year-old woman’s body in the house, and thereafter fled the scene.

Police traced the suspect to his hide-out in Kajiado Town, where he was arrested on Saturday morning, May 1.

According to neighbours privy to the couple’s two-year marriage, Chesang recently left her matrimonial home after domestic wrangles became incessant.

However, Kamerima managed to convince her into reconciliation.

The pair’s relationship, nonetheless, became rockier, ending in the tricenarian’s death on April 30.

The suspect, who works as a driver at the Children’s Department in the county, is being held in custody at the Kajiado Central Police Station awaiting his arraignment on Monday, May 3.

Chesang’s body was moved to the Kajiado County Referral Hospital morgue, pending postmortem.

Police have recovered the bottle allegedly used in Chesang’s killing.

Confirming the incident to The Standard, Kajiado Central OCPD, Daudi Loronyokwe, cautioned young people against resorting to violence during disagreements.