
You are to blame for Jubilee’s failures, DP tells orange party

Deputy President William Ruto addresses residents of Subati, Kibwezi East Constituency in Makueni County during empowerment of small-scale traders. [Sarafina Kaiyongi/DPPS]

Deputy President William Ruto yesterday dismissed the Sagana meeting held by his boss, President Uhuru Kenyatta, to give his political direction arguing that Kenyans had the final choice on who will be their next leader.

"I ask you, is it you who will make the choice of your next President or it is those in hotels and offices?" Ruto posed to the crowd while addressing a rally at Subati, in River Athi in Kibwezi East.

The DP and Kenya Kwanza leaders made an extensive tour of the region, with stops at markets in Kibwezi East, Makueni, Kilome and Mbooni constituencies where he addressed residents.

During the tour, he also hit out at ODM leader Raila Odinga whom he accused of interfering with the Jubilee government's Big Four Agenda where it failed to achieve the pledges, according to its manifesto. However, he assured residents that if his UDA party wins in the August 9 polls, he will ensure what Jubilee government had failed to achieve is realised.

The Deputy President took a swipe at the handshake proponents over a push to amend the Constitution terming it a selfish move meant to create political positions through the Building Bridges Initiative currently at the Supreme Court.

"We had plans to transform the livelihoods of Kenyans under the Big Four Agenda by ensuring affordable housing, value addition, better health services and creation of jobs but the plans where derailed by the handshake which yielded to the BBI," said Ruto.

He was accompanied by Amani National Congress party leader Musalia Mudavadi, UDA partly chair Johnston Muthama among other local leaders and aspiring candidates in various positions from Ukambani.