
Safina party to endorse Wanjigi as flagbearer in NDC, rules out joining coalitions

Safina party presidential candidate Jimi Wanjigi. [Boniface Okendo, Standard]

Businessman Jimi Wanjigi has indicated that Safina party will not be in any of the current coalitions as the party holds its National Delegates Conference (NDC) in Nairob today.

During the NDC, the Paul Muite-led party will endorse Jimmy Wanjigi as its presidential flag bearer.

Wanjigi, who joined the party three weeks ago, intimated to The Standard that the party’s National Executive Council meeting last week had resolved  had resolved against the party formally joining coalitions ahead of the 2022 general elections. 

 “Safina’s mandate is to seek no coalition with anyone. This will also be endorsed by the NDC. As of the minutes that will be presented to the NDC on Monday, the NEC has decided that the party will not be entering into any coalition,” said Wanjigi in an interview with The Standard.

Instead, the party will be seeking alliances with like-minded individuals ... but it does not exclude alliances or movements. We are keeping our doors open,” he added.

A fortnight ago, he party’s NEC nominated Wanjigi as its presidential candidate and is today expected to ratify the same.

This is after secretary-general John Wamagata said they had received a written expression of interest from Mr Wanjigi to run for president on Safina ticket after confirmation from party leader Muite that he will not be running for president. 

“As of today, I believe I am the only candidate vying for the presidency under Safina party. I hope and pray that I am endorsed. All signs are that it shall happen,” added Wanjigi.   

The business man is however yet to identify a running mate but divulged that he was in high level consultations with the party members to ensure that they identify one within the stipulated timeframe by IEBC.

Invited guests include Deputy President William Ruto, Amani National Congress(ANC) party leader Musalia Mudavadi, Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka, Ford Kenya leader Moses Wetangula, an array of Members of Parliament, Governors and senators among others.

“Unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity to invite my former party leader Raila Odinga because he kicked me out unceremoniously from his own NDC meaning he doesn’t want my company. I thought of inviting him for old times’ sake but right now it does not make sense,” said Wanjigi.

The Safina delegates are further expected to change the party’s colours, logo and theme as passed by the council. It will also announce a presidential candidate and a lineup of party officials.

At the same time, Wanjigi has defended his move to shift camp from the opposition leader Raila Odinga-led Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party and take refuge under the historically rich Safina party.

Citing his unceremonious removal from the ODM NDC at Kasarani, Wanjigi said he moved to join a party where his input is not only immensely appreciated but one that also advocates for the social liberalism, social democracy and civic nationalism ideals.

He was also confident that the party would provide an “ark” that will save Kenyans from their problems.

“The party has been able to sustain these ideals until now. It has not been a vibrant party until recently but instead of trying to start a new party on very similar ideals, why not be part of safina and be part and parcel of its rich history?" said Wanjigi.

“I had joined ODM party because I believed in its ideals democratically and what it stood for and what is party leader stood for in the second liberation. But they are not living up to the ideals they put on paper. They preach what they do not practise. And as you witnessed, ODM chased me in a very undemocratic way with stones at kasarani so I closed that chapter,” he added.