
Elections board says aspirants instigating violence to be kicked out of UDA

UDA Party nomination materials set ablaze in Embu as aspirants accuse one another of plot to rig. April 13, 2022. [Muriithi Mugo, Standard]

UDA aspirants who caused chaos in Embu, on Wednesday will appear before the parties disciplinary committee on Saturday.

The parties National Elections Board (NEB) today said serious action would be taken should the aspirants. John Muchiri (Governor), Norman Nyaga (Senate) and Woman Rep hopeful Margaret Kariuki be found guilty of instigating violence in over rigging claims. 

Should they be found guilty, the board says they will among others be kicked out of the party.

The board strongly condemned the incident that saw some of the ballot boxes set ablaze in Embu ahead of today's nomination.

Further, the board warned aspirants who instigated violence that marred its primaries leading to delay or suspension of the exercise in at least 10 constituencies.

Rowdy youths, believed to be supporters of rival aspirants, destroyed election materials, leading to the postponement or delay of the exercise in Embu and Bomet counties.

In Embu, rowdy youths intercepted a lorry ferrying election materials and burnt ballot boxes and papers.

In Bomet, rowdy supporters destroyed election materials of four polling stations, causing delays. More materials were later ferried to the polling stations. The board said that the disciplinary committee has launched a probe into the incident.

“Again, if the misconduct is proven, grave consequences will follow to all party members involved, including our aspirants,” said NEB chairman Antony Mwaura. 

Mr Mwaura regretted that one polling station in Marakwet East was attacked by bandits and was paralysed for two hours before the nominations resumed.

He said one person was killed, one is missing and five were severely injured.

Logistical challenges forced NEB to postpone nominations in Mt Elgon, Malava, Likuyani and Lugari to Saturday.

Others are Turkana East, Turkana Central and Bumula, and Nandi hills where nominations have been moved to Tuesday next week

“We reiterate that violence, intimidation, threats and other disorderly conduct will not be entertained whatsoever,” Mr Mwaura said.

“In this connection, the party electoral disputes resolution committee will commence its work of hearing and determining all disputes immediately,” he added.

Despite missing in action, the board chair said that UDA leader, Deputy President William Ruto, was personally monitoring the exercise.

"He is not here but he is keenly watching the entire process," he said

Tharaka Nithi Senator Kithure Kindiki said he was satisfied with the exercise that "has made history."

"UDA is carrying out a historic party primary exercise, unprecedented in the history of our country. I am proud to say that we are 99.9 per cent successful," he said.