
Evans Kidero vows to challenge Gladys Wanga Homabay Governor win in court

Kidero also claims that he was supposed to win the polls with about 225, 000 votes but several things did not add up to him.

"Several things did not add up in this election and tallying of results. My legal council will take it up,"

Okweh Achiando, Kidero's lawyer who weighed in on the matter live on TV, alleged that most Homa bay voters had been denied to vote for a candidate of their choice.

"The people of Homabay have been denied their constitutional right to vote for a person of their choice. Some Forms 37As were not up to date. We are going to raise the issues we have in a proper forum after a short while," Kidero's legal mind said.

"For now, we will re-do our tally. For example, in Suba North, Rusinga, and Mfangano our figures were converted and exchanged to favour our opponents. In Ndhiwa the same. We are going to take the next action from today," Kidero also weighed in.

IEBC announced the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) candidate Gladys Wanga as the winner of the Homa Bay County Governor contest.

According to the electoral body, Wanga attained 244,059 votes to floor closest rival, Kidero, who came in second with 152,182 votes.

Wanga led in seven out of eight constituencies in the county, with Kidero, who vied on an independent ticket, only leading in the Homa Bay Town constituency with a 2,000 vote margin.

United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party candidate Mark Rabudi came last with 1,244 votes in the race to succeed outgoing Governor Cyprian Awiti who has served for two five-year terms.