
Four IEBC Commissioners distance themselves from final stage of presidential poll tallying

IEBC Chairperson Wafula Chebukati and vice chair Juliana Cherera consult during the tallying of results at Bomas of Kenya on August 12, 2022 [David Gichuru, Standard]

Four IEBC commissioners led by Vice Chair Juliana Cherera have dissociated themselves from the final tallying stage of the presidential results at the Bomas of Kenya, citing opaqueness.

Addressing the media from Serena Hotel today, IEBC vice Chairperson Juliana Cherera said the IEBC had done a good job but there were divisions during the final phase of the tallying process.

"The four of us are here and not at Bomas of Kenya where results will be announced because of the opaque nature of this phase has been handled," Cherera said.

"We, therefore, cannot take ownership of results that will be announced. However, we have an open door that people can go to court and because of the same, we urge Kenyans to be peaceful because the rule of the law is going to prevail," Cherera added.

Other commissioners accompanying Cherera include; Francis Wanderi, Justus Nyang'aya and Irene Masit.

Earlier, Raila Odinga's National Chief Agent Saitabao Ole Kanchory addressed the media at Bomas of Kenya saying Raila's team did not have verifiable presidential results they can rely on and therefore could not invite their principal to Bomas.