
Police in Nandi probe death of Form One student over alleged corporal punishment.

Kelvin Kiptanui, a Form One student is alleged to have been assaulted by two teachers over exam cheating. [File,Standard]

Two high school teachers are at large as police in Nandi County commenced investigations into the death of Kelvin Kiptanui, a Form One student alleged to have been assaulted over exam cheating.

The incident happened on Friday at Chemase Secondary School, Tinderet Sub County. Tindiret OCPD Muhamed Jire

According to preliminary investigation report, the tutors identified as Alex Kipkirui and Vincent Kiplimo who were at large by the time of reporting the matter, are accused of whipping the 20-year old student in turns.

Tinderet OCPD, Mohammed Jire, confirmed that the incident was reported on Saturday shortly after the student succumbed to critical injuries while undergoing treatment at Nandi Hills County hospital.

"We visited the school and the management gave the names of the teachers claimed to be responsible. The investigation is ongoing and postmortem will also be done to establish the cause of death to the student," he stated.

Mr Jire noted that the school management had no student's records on underlying health conditions a month after reporting to the school.

The school management reportedly told the police that Kevin was allegedly cheating with another student during a Physics examination on Friday morning.

Both were subjected to canning as one way of punishment in the school and it was unfortunate that the two suspected teachers 'went overboard'.

The family of the deceased student is seeking justice for their son claiming that he developed health complications shortly after being beaten by the teachers.

Kenney Kiplimo, a cousin brother to the deceased narrated that Kelvin complained of feeling chest and stomach pains and was taken to Chepsese health facility near the school at around 3 pm on March 4.

"The school management informed the family that Kelvin was undergoing treatment in the health center but his health worsened. He was referred to Nandi Hills hospital for further treatment," he stated.

Kennedy explained that Kelvin was admitted at 6 pm and he persistently vomited blood until on Saturday at 3am when he passed on.

"He was supposed to undergo scanning the following morning but died before the test. We suspect that he got internal injuries as a result of severe beating," he claimed.

The remains are in Nandi hills morgue pending postmortem as the police pursues the teachers lebled as the key suspects.