
Police in Kisumu throws teargas in lodging at 3am to smoke out 'cheating' girlfriend

Police said the suspect hurled the teargas canister inside a lodging where he believed his girlfriend was locked in with another man. [Denish Ochieng, Standard]

Police in Kisumu have arrested their colleague, who on Tuesday dawn, April 11, threw a teargas canister inside a lodging to smoke out his girlfriend whom he alleged was cheating on him.

Authorities said the suspect stormed the lodging at Nyamasaria at 3am in search of his "cheating" lover.

Staff members working at the lodging denied him entry into the rooms, prompting the suspect to hurl a teargas canister into the accommodation facility before fleeing.

Police said the suspect, who is stationed at Kasagam Police Station, was later traced to a nightclub in Kisumu.

It is alleged he also threw a teargas canister inside the nightclub over reasons yet to be established.

Irate revellers cornered and beat up him up when he attempted to escape.

Confirming the incident, Kisumu East Sub-County Police Commander Joseph Asugo told The Standard the suspect was taken to Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital for treatment after he sustained injuries during the assault by revellers.

"We are investigating the allegations that he misused teargas canisters over personal issues," said Asugo.

If found guilty of a disciplinary offence, the suspect risks suspension, reprimand, confinement to police residential quarters, reduction of salary by not more than one third of basic salary for a period not exceeding three months, a fine not exceeding a third of basic salary, order of restitution, stoppage of salary increments for a specified period but not exceeding one year, reduction in rank or even dismissal from the service.