
Sirisia MP John Waluke quits Azimio, joins Ruto government

Sirisia MP John Waluke. [Kipsang Joseph, Standard]

Sirisia MP John Waluke has quit Azimio la Umoja Coalition headed by Raila Odinga and joined the ruling coalition, Kenya Kwanza.

Waluke said he decamped from Azimio over what he termed as 'instigating' destruction of property in the name of peaceful demonstrations.

He accused Azimio leader Raila Odinga for announcing that he would return to his weekly demonstrations after the Idd celebrations, saying the opposition leader was breeding anarchy.

Waluke told Raila to stop any further planned protests and embrace dialogue with President William Ruto through parliamentary-backed bi-partisan talks.

"Odinga should embrace talks with the president and avoid causing unnecessary tension amongst Kenyans. We don't want to lose more people because of his weekly demos," Waluke said. He spoke at Chebukaka Girls' High School in Kabuchai Constituency yesterday during a funds drive.

Waluke together with former Bumula MP Mwambu Mabonga, Mt Elgon MP Fred Kapondi, Webuye West MP Dan Wanyama and Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa were the MPs who led Bungoma in the massive UDA recruitment.

Due to his (Waluke) graft case at the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) with his counterpart Grace Wakhungu, Waluke claimed that he was asked by former President Uhuru Kenyatta to cross over to the Jubilee party so that he can get cleared by the IEBC to defend his Sirisia seat.

He said that out of respect for Uhuru, he joined Jubilee for the sake of the IEBC clearance. "As you all know, I actively participated in the formation of the Kenya Kwanza government through recruitment of members to UDA before I was forced to change camps," said the legislature.

State House bid

In last year's polls, Waluke was elected to the Jubilee party and campaigned for ODM leader Raila Odinga's State House bid. Waluke, who doubles as chairman of the Western Region Parliamentary Caucus, argues that Odinga has no agenda to change the lives of Kenyans but is instead fighting for his interests.

"We know Raila for many years. He has never accepted any poll results. We are now united to ensure that Ruto propels Kenya to the next level," Waluke said, noting that he quit the opposition brigade a long time ago and joined President Ruto's Kenya Kwanza government.

"If everybody from my region is in government led by the National Assembly speaker Moses Wetang'ula, who I'm I not to be in government," Waluke said the Thursday State House meeting with President William Ruto aimed at improving the country's economy, boosting the western region farming and installing a new mill at Nzoia Sugar Company.

He said former President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila failed to run the errands of the country, asking the opposition to give Kenya Kwanza time to fulfil its promises.iolence