
KeNHA reopens Mai Mahiu - Narok Road after repairs

Mai Mahiu - Narok Highway It developed cracks. [Source: KeNHA, Twitter]

The Kenya National Highway Authority (KeNHA) has reopened a section of the closed Mai Mahiu - Narok Road to the relief of motorists.

On April 30, a section of the road was closed due to massive cracks, the authority moved in to repair the affected area near Karima Center before allowing motorists to drive through.

The most affected were trailers which had to wait by the roadside for three days as there were no alternative routes, leading to massive losses.

This came as motorists challenged the government to seek a permanent solution to the cracks which occur whenever the area has heavy rains.

According to one of the drivers, Casmil Mokua, the move to divert traffic heading towards Narok and Kisii to Nakuru had adversely affected them.

He said that the only solution lay in constructing a fly-over at the affected section adding that the perennial closure was affecting many motorists.

"We welcome the move to reopen the closed section of the road as this has inconvenienced many motorists who use this road every day," he said.

This was echoed by a trader Amos Mbugua who said trailers could not drive back to Narok and Kisii adding that the drivers were forced to spend their time by the roadside.

He said that in the process, a lot of man-hours and revenue were lost and businesses along the busy road were affected as the motorists could not pass through.

"Sand harvesting and operations at the Dry Port were adversely affected and we are calling on the Ministry of Roads to get a permanent solution to this problem," he appealed.

Speaking over the weekend, the PS for roads Engineer Joseph Mbugua said the repairs involved restoring the damaged section which is 6kms from Mai Mahiu town.

Mbugua termed the road as "very critical" adding that its closure had adversely affected the flow of traffic and thousands of motorists.

"We have engaged a contractor to move in urgently and repair the damaged section within 24 hours so that flow of traffic can resume," he said.

Speaking at the scene, the PS said that underground faults would have been the cause of the cracks that have occurred around the area.
