
Aden Duale: Azimio secession calls detrimental to national unity

Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale.[Standard, file]

Defence Cabinet Secretary, Aden Duale, has criticised calls for secession by Azimio la Umoja One-Kenya leaders, terming the move as detrimental.

Speaking on Saturday, May 27, 2023, at the inauguration of Masalani Municipal, Duale stated that such calls would only destabilise national unity.

He highlighted previous instances where Azimio leader Raila Odinga advocated for secession, including his self-inauguration in 2017.

"It is extremely irresponsible and reckless for leaders of your stature to take to the podium and advocate for the secession and division of our nation. I never expected you to stoop so low," he said.

Duale claimed that the demands for secession had compelled former President Uhuru Kenyatta to engage in a handshake with Odinga.

He asserted that the Kenya Kwanza administration would not be intimidated by what he termed mere threats.

"In Article 1 of the Kenyan Constitution, it clearly defines Kenya as a unitary state with 47 county units. Mr Odinga, I urge you to revisit the Constitution of Kenya," added Duale.

He called upon Ijara residents in Garissa to support the government, stating that Odinga's actions were driven by his hunger for power.

Duale was accompanied by Garissa Governor Nathif Jama, Deputy Governor Abdi Dagane, and a host of MPs including, Abdi Ali Abdi (Ijara), Mohamed Adow (Wajir South), Dekow Mohamed (Garissa Township), and Abdikadir Hussein (Lagdera).

Tana River Deputy Governor Ali Loka and Ahmed Muhumed from Wajir County were also present.

Addressing a gathering at Yatta Farm in Machakos, Odinga declared his intention to write to the United Nations, seeking support for secession.

Odinga also called on President Ruto to disown his deputy's remarks, which likened Kenya to a limited company with shareholders primarily supporting Kenya Kwanza administration.

"We are giving you one week to denounce your deputy's statements. If you fail to do so, we will approach the United Nations and express our desire for self-determination," stated Odinga.

Odinga alleged that the Kenya Kwanza administration had marginalised certain regions in state appointments.