
Senator Cheruiyot demands transfer of police in Sondu

The Senate Majority Leader said violence has no place in our society and urged communities in the area to shun leaders out to incite them to cause violence.

Cheruiyot condemned the attacks and said the security agencies owe the country an explanation on why the situation escalated under their watch

"As a leader from the region, I'm saddened by loss of lives and torching of business establishments that could have been averted had authorities acted promptly," he said.

The senator said there was no justification for the barbaric acts and asked the police to stop the hostilities immediately.

Cheruiyot called on the authorities led by Interior CS to urgently call for a leaders and community baraza in Sondu to speak to the warring groups.

"I am certain this meeting drawn from the two neighbouring counties can arrest the unfortunate situation immediately. Further, I urge the leaders from the region to refrain from issuing polarizing statements that aggravate an already bad situation," he said.

The senator asked leaders to desist from politicizing the unfortunate acts of violence and instead pacify hostilities.

"Celebrating brutality, playing victim and ethnic profiling will not help the situation," he said.

The Senate Majority Leader noted that the communities along the Kericho and Kisumu border have lived together for decades and have a lot in common and urged elected leaders, the clergy, opinion leaders and the local administration to assist authorities to bring to book the criminal elements perpetrating the senseless attacks.