
Wajir leaders agree to put political differences aside

Fai leaders during the conclusion of their three-day conference in Wajir County.[Mohamed Saman, Standard]

Political leaders in Wajir County have resolved to put aside their political differences and work in unity for the betterment of their electorates.

Addressing the press after a three-day long conference at the Fai Sultanate Centre in Wajir, leaders drawn from the Fai sub-clan of the larger Dagodia agreed to resolve their political differences that have stemmed from the last hotly contested general election.

"The political leaders have decided to work hand in hand with the present national government despite their different political persuasions. We are thankful to President William Ruto for beefing up security in the larger Wajir County," their joint statement read in part.

At the same time, they expressed gratitude to the Kenya Kwanza leadership for beefing up security in the region and urged the President William Ruto-led government to open the border posts along the Kenya - Somalia border to foster trade and in return better the lives of the locals.

"We however appeal to the national government to invest more in the development of Tarbaj and Wajir East Constituencies, of particular importance being the water and transport sector. We need the Tarbaj-Kutulo road tarmacked," they added.

The leaders have also praised the new-found synergy between the locals and security agencies urging them to continue collaborating to maintain the present peaceful environment.

Among those present during the conference include; Governor Mohamed Abdi, former Tarbaj MP Mohammed Elmi, the current area MP Hussein Bare, former Wajir gubernatorial aspirant Dr Hassan Mohamed, Chairman Capital Markets Authority (CMA) Ugas Sheilh, and a host of other political and religious leaders.