
Ruto's blue-eyed boy under siege over management style

President's thoughts

A section of political analysts believe Malala is communicating the thoughts of President William Ruto. Political analyst Prof Gitile Naitule, said Malala is UDA acting secretary general "because that is what Ruto wants. No one will be elected at the national level who the boss does not want. Malala works well as a secretary general by talking a lot."

"Malala seems to have the ears of the owners of the UDA party. He is a close associate of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, the presumptive referee in the December elections," political analyst Kennedy Echesa said.

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei recently said those fighting Malala were fighting President Ruto, and such schemes will be countered.

The man in the middle of the storm, however, is upbeat that he will retain his post in the upcoming UDA elections.

"My position as SG is subject to election," he said. "I will face any contestant, be it from the mountain, lake or plateau regions. We shall hold the elections, and they will be credible. There are two outcomes from an election; you either win or lose. I am ready for the election because UDA is a democratic party," he added.