
EPZA on an ambitious expansion plan for more revenue

Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA) has come up with a strategy to expand its economic zones through Business Process Outsourcing (BOP) in a bid to multiply operation space that favors investors  operating within the protected Zones.

According to the EPZA management, setting up modern fabricated industrial zones has  proved to be friendly to investors and introducing BPOs is also key in facilitating customized ready spaces which will enable expansion. 

The first Sh1.3 billion phase of the lucrative initiative targets EPZ Athi River in Machakos, Nairobi's Sameer Park and Majorel Kenya Solution in Mombasa.

"We are seeking to meet the rising demand for customized  industrial space. The ready fabricated warehouses which we have set up also present opportunities to investors to acquire ready modern working space on demand. We want to spur more growth and tap more into foreign currency," said Adan Mohamed, the authority's Chief Executive Officer.

According to Mohamed, agro processing at the EPZA zones have increased to 24 percent of the total exports, attributing the trend to investors seeking diversity based on the market demand.

"Epza has over the years been associated and dominated by textile industries,however, investors are free to engage in investments of their choice such as agro processing and pharmaceuticals business. The guiding rules and policies of our zones are very clear. As the management, we ensure the policies are adhered to the latter and our investors get value for their investments," noted the EPZA boss. 

He further assured that local real estate developers registered under the Epza programme will competitively be offered an opportunity to set up the structures. 

"The ministry of industrialization, trade and investments is committed to promote the bottom up economic model and that is why we will also involve local investors in the construction opportunities available at the export zones," said Mohamed.

Tax holidays  and streamlined operations  offered by the export zones have been key enablers that continue attracting investors despite the current global economic challenges.

During the 2023 financial year, EPZA increased the value of exports by 19.6 percent. "We have already tapped into the European Union market in 24 countries with a record earning of trillion of shillings," said Mohamed.