
Joy as village gets primary school

Residents of Ogoya village, Central Sakwa ward, Siaya county, broke into song and dance during the official opening of Ogoya Primary School.

Bondo MP Gideon Ochanda said the six classrooms, will mark the start of a fully-fledged primary school starting from Grade One to Six.

Speaking during the launch of the school, Ochanda committed to ensure residents access affordable education.

“Equitable education standards ensure that every child has a fair chance to fulfill their potential and rise to the highest level of accomplishment irrespective of their social background,” he said.

The MP said residents had longed to have a school in Ogoya village to save the pupils the agony of traveling long distances to access schools in the neighboring location.

Mary Adhiambo, a resident, said establishment of a school in Ogoya village was long overdue as the children faced challenges accessing schools in the area.

“Sometimes it is raining, yet the little children have to walk several kilometers to school and by the time they get there, they are too tired to even concentrate in class,” she said.

Adhiambo noted that the neighbouring schools were more than five kilometres away and having an institution in Ogoya village will boost the performance of their children.

The residents thanked the MP for the initiative and called for the school to be connected to electricity.

Bondo sub-county Director of Education Alfred Mwaimba, assured the residents of support in development.

“This is a good gesture by the MP, and I would like to urge the community to give him more support for purposes of development,” he said.