
Kisumu Twins Shine Bright: A tale of academic excellence and aspirations

Twins Gayle Neema (401) and Givens Bahati (417) from Kisumu CITAM Schools celebrate as KCPE results were released. [Michael Mute,Standard]

A set of twins Givens Neema Ochieng and Gayle Baraka Ochieng have etched their names in the books of academic brilliance after excelling in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).

Givens, the charismatic President of CITAM Schools Kisumu, emerged as the top-performing pupil at the school, securing an impressive 417 marks while his twin sister Gayle scored a stellar 401 marks.

Givens attributed her success to personal dedication and the supportive environment fostered by the school.

Speaking to The Standard, she acknowledged the pivotal role played by her teachers and fellow pupils, who collectively created an atmosphere conducive to academic excellence.

"The teachers here are amazing, always ready to help. My classmates and I pushed each other to do our best," she remarked.

She emphasized the crucial role played by her parents in his academic achievements.

Givens hopes to also excel in Secondary School and build a foundation to pursue a career in medicine in the future.

With determination radiating from her eyes, she shared her passion for healthcare, envisioning a future where she could treat chest pain, high blood pressure, heart failure, and various heart-related ailments.

Twins Gayle Neema-401(left) and Givens Bahati-417 Kisumu from CITAM Schools Kisumu are celebrated by their mother Lillian Mainye (centre) as KCPE results were released. [Michael Mute,Standard]

It's a dream that speaks volumes about her compassion and the desire to make a significant impact on people's lives through healing hearts.

The unwavering encouragement and guidance provided by her family undoubtedly played a significant part in shaping her into the successful student she is today. It's a testament to the importance of a holistic support system in nurturing young minds.

On the flip side of this academic coin is Gayle Baraka Ochieng, Givens' twin with aspirations beyond the realm of medicine.

Gayle harbors dreams of becoming a diplomat, navigating the complex world of international relations with grace and intellect.

The twins, though sharing the same genes, are driven by distinct passions that showcase the diversity of talent emerging from CITAM Schools Kisumu.

Lilian Mainye, their mother, exuded joy and pride as she praised her children for excelling in exams.

"My girls bring me so much joy. I am immensely proud of their achievements," she said. . Her words echoed the sentiments of countless parents who see their children's success as a reflection of their unwavering support and encouragement.

CITAM Schools Kisumu Principal Paul Njoga (second-right) celebrates with top student Givens Neema (center) on Thursday.[Michael Mute,Standard]

The principal of CITAM Schools Kisumu, Paul Njoga, showered praise on the dynamic duo.

Njoga Described them as disciplined and bright and highlighted their commitment to education and consistently displaying obedience.

Givens' role as the school president, guiding 38 pupils toward academic excellence, showcased leadership and commitment to collective success.

Looking ahead, Principal Njoga outlined the school's plans to sustain this upward trajectory in academic achievements.

"We are committed to providing a conducive learning environment, nurturing talent, and maintaining a strong support system for our students," he stated. The school, with a population of 530 pupils, is determined to continue producing sharp minds that will contribute positively to society.

The school's success wasn't confined to the exceptional performance of the twins alone.

CITAM Schools Kisumu produced an impressive eight pupils with 400 marks and above, a notable improvement from the previous year. Additionally, 19 pupils secured 350 marks and above, showcasing the institution's dedication to cultivating a culture of academic excellence.

The school achieved a mean score of 363.65, marking a positive deviation of four.

Apart from Givens (417) and Gayle (401), students who scored 400 marks include; Emmanuel Oliko (417), Jullie Aoko (412), David Siwa (406), Gloria Odhiambo (402), Joel Loch (402), and Elizabeth Matika (400).

CITAM Schools Kisumu top students David Siwa (406) and Givens Neema (417).[Michael Mute,Standard]

Beyond academics, CITAM Schools Kisumu has carved a niche for itself in co-curricular activities.

The school's prowess in swimming and music was evident, with young talent like Kyle Camil representing the institution in the national under-12 trials for swimming in Nairobi.

In the realm of music, the school's choral verse earned them a remarkable third place in the nation's rankings at the nationals—a testament to the holistic development fostered by CITAM Schools Kisumu.