
Calls to support PWDs so as to access learning opportunities

National Council of Persons with Disability chairperson Kristina Pratt with students at Kipsaina Integrated School in Keiyo South in July 2022. [Christopher Kipsang, Standard]

There is a need to support people living with disabilities with proper equipment so as to allow them access to quality education.

The National Council of Persons with Disability chairperson Kristina Pratt says the lack of proper gear for the group is denying them such valuable chances in life.

Pratt was speaking in Nairobi during the handing over of 375 wheelchairs to some people who are abled differently.

 “Through the wheelchairs, the children will be able to attend school, participate in other activities, and perform other chores independently,” she said.

Pratt regretted that due to poverty, people with disabilities faced exclusion from schools, workplaces and even from their own communities.

“The children just need to be supported, accepted and loved so they can enjoy their rights and excel in life like other children,” Pratt said.

At the same time, she challenged parents to register their children who are abled differently for assistance.

Nairobi regional commissioner Katee Mwanza said the partnership between the private sector and the government is a testimony of how great work can be done in changing lives.

“A gift of a wheel brings new life and hope to the physically challenged persons. They do not need to crawl anymore, but they will walk with dignity and opportunity to go to school and work,” he stated.

Mwanza noted that the donation comes as a huge boost to the members who have struggled to make a living with limited mobility.

“We are grateful for the generous support we have received which is in line with our strategic engagement and collaboration with other stakeholders to support the cause of disability inclusion,” Mwanza added.

Prof. Julia Ojiambo who is a Trustee member, said there is a lot of untapped potential in people who are abled differently.

“They only need a supportive and encouraging attitude towards them,” Prof Ojiambo said.