
Map resource centre to get government support, CS Wahome

Lands CS Alice Wahome and PS Nixon Korir during the commissioning. [Courtesy, Lands Ministry]

Lands Cabinet Secretary Alice Wahome on Friday presided over the commissioning of new facilities at the Center for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) in Nairobi.

The regional institution serves 20 Eastern African countries with training and research in land-related knowledge.

The CS, who was representing President William Ruto, was accompanied by Lands and Physical Planning Principal Secretary (PS) Nixon Korir and other senior Lands officials.

The CS commissioned the Research Center Training Institute Hostel and an Administration Complex.

RCMRD was established in 1975 with the support of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the African Union.

It provides training and research in the provision of geo-information and allied technologies for sustainable development in the member states.

The CS said the RCMRD centre is key since it contributes to the development of skills and expertise within the region.

She said the Lands Ministry was going to support the Centre to solve some of the challenges facing it.

Wahome said she supports a request made by the Director of RCMRD Mr Emanuel Nkurunziza to enable students pursuing courses at the center to benefit from the capitation from the National Government that students of other institutions of higher education benefit from.

"Together with my PS, we are going to work closely with the Education CS Ezekiel Machogu to see that RCMRD gets funding to support the students," said CS Wahome.

Mr Nkurunziza said that the institution was forced to redirect its budget to educate more than 40 students who were almost dropping out of their studies due to lack of funds.

PS Korir said the center plays an important role in the economic development of the 20 member states

"RCMRD is a very important component of Lands for it offers geo-information training which is very useful in land digitization. The current world is focusing on technical knowledge," said PS Korir.

He encouraged the Member States to continue collaborating and taking advantage of the knowledge, skills, expertise and innovations provided at the Center.

Chairperson of the RCMRD Governing Council Dorcas Wagima Okalany, Kasarani area MP Ronald Karauri and representatives from the member countries were among those who attended the Launch.