
NACADA gets law backing in fight against alcohol abuse

The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) has received a major boost in its fight against alcohol abuse in the country.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Professor Kithure Kindiki gazetted the names of Authorized Officers who will have the power to enforce the Alcoholic Drinks Control Act (ADCA), 2010, and the NACADA Act, 2012.

This means that NACADA's officers can now enter and inspect any place where they suspect that the law on alcohol consumption and production is being violated.

They can also examine, test, and seize any alcoholic drink or equipment that is relevant to the enforcement of the law.

They can also demand any person to produce any written or electronic information that is related to the administration of the law.

NACADA Chief Executive Officer Dr. Anthony Omerikwa welcomed the development thanking Kindiki for his support.

He said that this will enable the Authority to implement its supply suppression strategies more effectively and confidently.

He also warned the stakeholders in the alcoholic drinks industry to comply with the law or face legal action.

"This is a game-changer for us, especially as we approach the festive season. We are now in a position to carry out our mandate without any legal hurdles. We are also appealing to all the players in the alcohol sector to adhere to the rules and regulations to avoid any confrontation with the law," said Omerikwa.

The gazette notice, which was published on Friday, December 1, 2023, specifies the names of the officers who can enter and inspect any place, including dwelling places, with the consent of the occupant or under a warrant issued by a magistrate or judge of the High Court.

The notice also states that the time of entry shall be between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. of any day of the week.

The law also prohibits anyone from obstructing or hindering, or knowingly making a false or misleading statement to an authorized officer who is carrying out their duties.

NACADA's officers can also request the assistance of police officers if necessary.

Previously, NACADA had to rely on the National Police Service officers to enforce its laws.

The latest development gives the Authority more operational independence and autonomy.