
Moi daughter laid to rest, family eulogises her as generous and charming

Kanu Chairman Gideon Moi with his family lay a wreath during the burial ceremony of June Moi in Kabarak, Nakuru County. [File, Standard] 

Hundreds of people gathered at the home of the late President Daniel Moi in Kabarak, Nakuru County on Thursday to bid farewell to June Jebet Moi, daughter to the second president.

Casting a glow upon pops of cream and yellow flowers, the mid-morning sun shone upon family and friends of June as they made entry into Kabarak home grounds, the venue of the funeral service, to give last respects to a woman whose life, they say, embodied generosity and love.

Family and friends shared memories of June, the last-born daughter of the late President who they say, was like the gentle glow of a candle illuminating a darkened room.

“She was the most loving, humble, compassionate, understanding, family-oriented woman and one of the most beautiful souls one could ever meet,” June’s daughter, Paula Suzzane Jepkemboi, said.

They said June wore several hats - from being an amazing mother, stylish aunt, loving and kind sibling, and that of being a soft-spoken neighbour.

To her daughter, June was a teacher, a great mother, and a confidant who always cheered her milestones and celebrated her success.  

To her nephews and nieces, she was the aunt whose infectious smile could light up a room and to her siblings, she was the beacon of love, kindness and unwavering faith. To the world, she was the President’s charming daughter.

“My mother was an inspiring soul, always there for all who came to her with their troubles. Our home was open to everyone, and her hospitality made them feel important. All my friends loved my mum almost as much as I did. She became Aunty June to all of them and never failed to make them laugh or feel at home,” Paula said.

From the gentle corrections to cheering her through her academic journey and sports events, Paula praised her mother for being a role model. “Whether it was hockey, swimming, golf, or polo, she knew what she was doing. She always challenged me and pushed me when it came to sports.”

“She taught me to be strong and gentle. Mama loved listening to Boys to Men or Michael Jackson and I would always surprise her whenever I played their songs in the car,” Paula said.

She recalled her mother’s routine each morning, where she would embark on a quiet ritual-sipping her tea and unravelling the secrets of a cryptic crossword. It was a puzzle that mirrored the complexity of her mind, a daily challenge that brought her joy and sharpened her intellect.

“She enjoyed a good cryptic crossword every morning with a cup of tea and though I tried to help her almost every time, I never seemed to quite get any of the answers right. Mum was a good chatter, which is where I think I got mine from,” She chuckled amid tears.

To her siblings, June’s presence, they say, brought warmth to the family ‘like the gentle glow of a candle illuminating a darkened room’.

“She was a good, nice, decent spirit who lived her life to the fullest. She was a human being worth knowing and she cared for all of us,” Kanu Chairman and former Baringo Senator Gideon Moi said.

He shared memories of a sister whose seemed to have lived her life to the fullest. “If I talk about June, I will not exhaust. She was very talented academically and sports-wise. She had the best of both worlds,” Gideon said.

In a collective eulogy written by the siblings and read by Major (rtd) Philip Moi, they fondly remember June as a sibling who stood as a testament to the power of love and strength.

“In her embrace, we found solace. In her words, we found wisdom. And in her smile, we found hope. She taught us the importance of compassion, forgiveness, and the boundless grace of God,” Philip said.

Others shared memories of her infectious laughter and her flair for fashion. “Her sense of fashion, elegance, and charm were on another level. Not to mention her jewellery, designer handbags, sunglasses and shoes could not go unnoticed. Our beloved aunt was a great woman, no doubt. She was an intellectual and a great soul with matchless courage. Aunty June was one in a million,” Kigen Moi said.

They shared her passion for cooking where she created culinary wonders that delighted the taste buds of all who were lucky to sample her creations. Her adventurous and bold spirit is said to have loved all things ‘hot, chilly, and spicy.’

“She enjoyed cooking and loved all things hot, chilly, and spicy. Spinach lasagne was a delicacy she cherished and blueberry cheesecake was her favourite dessert,” Doris Moi said.

Memories of June traversed from childhood to adulthood where her paternal uncle Mr Michael Bomett shared memories of a girl who spent part of her childhood with her grandmother, always tagging along with her puppy.

“She had the same infectious smile since she was a child. She deeply loved her family,” Bomett said.

Family ally and Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka remembered June as ‘President’s charming daughter’ whose presence brought warmth to those she interacted with. “June was gracious, charming, and generous. She was a diplomat who wanted everyone around her to be happy,”  Kalonzo said.

Former Chief Justice David Maraga eulogised as a generous person loved by many. “With all that has been said about June, it is clear that she was an amazing person and was always welcoming. She was an aunt to many because she was open and could share whatever she had with others,” Maraga said.

Kabarak University Vice Chancellor Henry Kiplagat commended June’s generosity and loving nature noting that she touched many lives. “We will fondly remember her for her many great attributes that fostered love and kindness,” Prof Kiplagat said.

To friends and neighbours, June was soft-spoken but always keen to protect those she loved.

“There are souls that tread very lightly on the earth. Such was my neighbour and friend. She was gentle and soft-spoken. Self-effacing. Dignified and well-groomed at all times. June was generous, loyal, and kind, almost to a fault. She had a wonderful sense of humor and laughed easily,” said Dr Wanjiku Mwotia, a friend and neighbour.

As the interment ceremony culminated at June’s home in Bahati, Nakuru County, memories and stories painted a portrait of a woman who had left an indelible mark on the lives she touched.