
Couple arrested for allegedly beating daughter to death over Sh200

Leonida Awuor and Cornell Ogeno are being held by police for the alleged murder of their 11-year-old daughter. [Francis Odee, Standard]

Two people have been arrested in Siaya County for allegedly beating to death an 11-year-old girl for stealing Sh200.

Cornell Ogeno Mugai and Leonida Awuor Owino who are said to be the parents of the deceased girl Gabriel Atieno Ogeno are being held by the police as investigations into the said murder continue.

Police reports at Bondo Police Station indicate that one of the nurses at Bondo Sub-County Hospital reported that a child had been brought to the facility dead with multiple bruises on her body.

After recording a statement and an OB 08/01/2024 issued, police boss Cleti Kimaiyo said officers from the station visited the hospital and found the lifeless body of the deceased at the casualty unit.

Upon interrogation, he said they established that the deceased had allegedly stolen Sh200 from her father, Cornell Ogeno at their Masita home.

This provoked the parents to discipline the child by canning her before she lost consciousness.

Kimaiyo said their efforts to rush the girl to the hospital for medical attention bore no fruit as she was pronounced dead on arrival.

He said two wooden sticks that were used to beat the child have been recovered and will be used as exhibits.

The body of the deceased has been moved to Bondo Sub-County Hospital Mortuary for postmortem examination.

Kimaiyo further said they are seeking more statements from witnesses to establish the motive and the extent of the injuries as they wait for the autopsy report.

He said the duo will be arraigned in court once the investigations are complete.