
Radio remains the main source of news

Kenya’s radio landscape aligns with the global trend of radio’s endurance. [iStockphoto]

Radio remains a vital thread woven into Kenya’s tapestry, shaping lives, informing minds and igniting imaginations for generations.

From its colonial beginnings to its current vibrant platform, Kenyan radio continues to pulsate with the rhythm of a nation that has found its voice.

Radio has also played a crucial role in educating and empowering Kenyans. The medium has been used to broadcast educational programmes, bringing classrooms to living rooms and in turn providing valuable knowledge and skills to listeners across the country.

Known for its convenience when it comes to music, radio has been used to provide entertainment and as a platform for young artists to express themselves and engage on critical social issues.

Kenya’s radio landscape aligns with the global trend of radio’s endurance. Despite the rise of new technologies, 78 per cent of Kenyans still listen to the radio, demonstrating its continued accessibility and trust.

Part of this trust can be attributed to radio’s low cost and ubiquitous nature. Local content and vernacular stations are particularly preferred, mirroring a global trend of listeners seeking content specific to their cultural context.

While many feared the rise of digital media would marginalise radio, Kenyan stations have embraced innovation, adapting and evolving to maintain their relevance.

Online streaming has expanded radio’s accessibility, connecting Kenyans in the diaspora and remote areas.

Despite its centrality in our lives, radio has also met its fair share of challenges. Sustainability remains a major issue in the wake of economic shocks and competing alternatives brought about by technological advancements.

This has particularly hit community media organisations, necessitating innovative solutions, aligning with the global challenge of ensuring accessibility for all.

Misinformation and hate speech demand robust fact-checking and media literacy programmes, a challenge echoed worldwide. To ensure retention of audience interest, the evolving media landscape must constantly adapt to the changing times.

However, the future holds promise. Partnerships between public and private broadcasters can leverage resources and expertise while training programmes for community radio stations can further enhance their sustainability and effectiveness. Collaborations with online platforms on the other hand will expand audience reach and engagement.

Innovations like AI-powered content personalisation can ensure listeners receive content relevant to their interests, while interactive experiences can foster deeper engagement.

Most importantly, upholding ethical standards and promoting responsible journalism are crucial in combating misinformation and fostering trust.

Looking ahead, the future of Kenyan radio shines bright. As we mark World Radio Day 2024, let us reaffirm our dedication to this powerful medium and the important role it plays in shaping the fabric of our nation.

-Mr Omwoyo is the CEO of the Media Council of Kenya. ceo@mediacouncil.or.ke