
Gusii leaders oppose tribal formations, one-man-one shilling debate

National Assembly Majority Chief Whip Sylvanus Osoro. [Eric Abuga, Standard]

A section of Gusii leaders have opposed the emerging tribal formations in the country.

Led by the National Assembly Majority Chief Whip Slyvanous Osoro, they argued that the country is not ripe for early campaigns and tribal formations.

Speaking in Nyaribari Chache Sunday during a funds drive in aid of a church, the leaders called on Mt Kenya politicians to rethink their grouping.

"We are interested in how to improve service delivery across the country. The Government is putting in place measures to improve the economy. Unfortunately, we are seeing a section of leaders trying to advance their selfish interests by causing unnecessary squabbles in Government," said Osoro.

He argued that the proponents of the recent Limuru III meeting have served in Government.

"We also have regions that we represent, and it is unfair that some people want to have a lion's share at the expense of others. We are fighting for resources to improve school infrastructure, roads, Agriculture and Health. Those going to the contrary are doing so against the wishes of our people," he said.

"We are giving the President unnecessary pressure. Those who have issues with the Head of State have a way to reach him and not hold unnecessary meetings," he added.

Osoro argued that the obsession with ethnic community leadership was unnecessary and leaders need to shun the same.

Limuru III conference birthed Haki Coalition to champion the interests of Mt Kenya region.

Kitutu Chache North MP Japheth Nyakundi said calls for one-man-one shilling-one vote lack the background to support their idea.

"This will marginalise the country. We are not interested in such campaigns at this stage. Let us find a working formula for how to implement our development projects. We have a lot to achieve as a Government and not to play politics," he said.

Nyakundi insisted that every region has different interests. "We just can't pass policies because we want some communities to gain on their interest. This is how we begin to divide the country just a year after the General Election," he said.

Other leaders present were Kisii Woman Rep Dorice Donya, West Mugirango MP Stephen Mogaka, Bonchari's Dr Charles Ochoke and host Zaheer Jhanda, who called for the implementation of development projects in the area.

Zaheer opposed taxation on some basic foodstuffs. "We all agreed to reduce the cost of living. I am sure those in the budget committee will do us some justice," he said.

Mogaka asked Gusii leaders to stop politicking and deliver for the people. "All we want to do is tag along all leaders from the region to the benefit of our community."

The leaders target to support 100 churches in Kisii and Nyamira counties through funds drives.

They agreed to hold a meeting, ahead of President William Ruto's visit to Kisii in June.