
UK firm invests Sh4.8b to extract fluorspar in Elgeyo Marakwet

Mining Blue Economy and Maritime CS Salim Mvurya. [Samson Wire standard]

Fluorspar mining is set to roar back to life in Elgeyo Marakwet County after an eight-year hiatus that saw more than 3,000 jobs lost.

The new investor, a United Kingdom firm, is pumping in Sh4.8 billion to revive mining at Kimwarer in the Keiyo South Sub-County.

On Saturday, Mining Cabinet Secretary Salim Mvurya handed over the site to the company, which announced that it was preparing the ground for the return of extractive activities in the area. 

The company, Sofax Fluorspar, has secured a 25-year lease.

Locals asked the Ministry of Mining to ensure compensation for more than 2,000 landowners who agreed to surrender their land. Extraction will start in six months.

Kimwarer Fluorspar Mining Primary School, owned by the previous mining company, Kenya Fluorspar Company, was made a public institution, and a health facility, transferred to Elgeyo Marakwet County following Kenya Fluorspar Company exit.

A fast-growing Kimwarer trading centre was also deserted following the company’s exit.

Elgeyo Marakwet residents welcomed the news investor, saying youth and local professionals would secure jobs, but demanded that land owners be compensated adequately.

“Residents agreed that compensation should not deter the investor from starting mining. The new investor has experience in the sector. We are satisfied that they are competent,” Mvurya said.

Mvurya added: “If it were not for the locals, the processing machines would have been vandalised and stolen.

‘‘The investor will do value addition of the mineral, and that means more job opportunities will be created.”

He said the UK company will strictly be guided by the Mining Act 2016 in its operations.

‘‘Local content, which entails consideration of locals for employment, was also agreed on. Supplies will be sourced locally,” said Mvurya.

On settlement of landowners by the government, Mvurya said 4,329 parcels of land had been identified.

Fluorspar mining in Kimwarer is among extractive activities being launched in the country. Others include granite in Vihiga, Iron ore in Taita Taveta and Tharaka Nithi and copper mining in Kitui,

Elgeyo Marakwet Governor Wisley Rotich said he will protect the interests of Elgeyo Marakwet as mining processes gets underway.