
At least 14000 new customers set for electricity boost in six counties

REREC lights up West Kenya, connecting 14,000 new customers to electricity. [Standard, File]

The Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) is set to connect over 14,000 new customers to electricity in the West Kenya region within the next four months.

 The region, comprising Bungoma, Busia, Kakamega, Kisumu, Siaya, and Vihiga counties, currently has 245 ongoing projects funded by the exchequer at a total cost of Sh1.29 billion.

In Busia County, the government has initiated 56 electrification projects since the 2022–2023 financial year, at a cost of Sh311 million.

 The projects are expected to benefit over 3,517 customers in the county.

REREC’s CEO, Dr. Rose Mkalama, said the corporation intends to complete all ongoing projects by June   30.

She spoke during the commissioning of four rural electrification projects in Kacherere trading centre, Kalachamong village, Kakoldong village, and Kochek village in Teso South constituency.

Mkalama said projects “have connected 370 customers to the national grid, marking a significant step towards enhancing access to electricity, bridging the energy gap in rural areas, and promoting socio-economic development.”

REREC’s board director, Mr. Milton Lucheri, said an “innovative participatory approach to financing projects involves REREC collaborating with county governments and constituencies through the National Constituency Development Fund (NCDF).”

 For every shilling contributed, up to a maximum of Sh5 million per constituency, REREC matches it.

Between the 2017/18 and 2022/2023 financial years, the Busia County government and various constituencies within Busia have contributed a total of Sh143,700,000 under the Matching Fund facility.

This attracted a matching amount of Sh122,500,000 from REREC.