The role unions play in helping teachers embrace technology
Stephen Kioni, Samuel Ayany and other great men and women came together to see different regional formations of teachers unite to form KNUT in 1957.
By Collins Oyuu 5 months ago
The role unions play in helping teachers embrace technology
Teachers' enjoying better heath care, but more needs to be done
Today teachers and their families have a medical cover even though challenges persist in its management.
By Collins Oyuu 5 months ago
Teachers' enjoying better heath care, but more needs to be done
Government should not claw back gains made in education
To realise ongoing structural transformations; reduction in conflicts, renewed economic growth and social progress, people-centred development, gender equality and youth empowerment
By Collins Oyuu 5 months ago
Government should not claw back gains made in education
Why TSC's list of promoted teachers should be audited
There is hue and cry over why the employer doesn't want, or is unwilling to publish the names of successful candidates for audit purposes.
By Collins Oyuu 6 months ago
Why TSC's list of promoted teachers should be audited
Why teachers are opposed to TSC Amendment Bill 2024
KNUT is willing and ready to engage in these areas and many more that will make the Bill better for teachers. The law belongs to the people not otherwise.
By Collins Oyuu 7 months ago
Why teachers are opposed to TSC Amendment Bill 2024
Ensure no student misses Form One due to lack of school fees
Over 300,000 learners are yet to report to Form One, and the reasons for their failure to do are many. However, the most outstanding one is lack of school fees.
By Collins Oyuu 7 months ago
Ensure no student misses Form One due to lack of school fees
Ensure continuity of schools' medical cover programme
The medical cover introduced by the government through the presidential decree in 2018 for more than 3.4 million students in secondary schools will come to an end on December 31, 2023.
By Collins Oyuu 8 months ago
Ensure continuity of schools' medical cover programme
State should address teachers' concerns to stop high turnover
It is sad listening to some of the reasons for teachers exiting the profession. The employer should do something to redeem the confidence of these teachers.
By Collins Oyuu 9 months ago
State should address teachers' concerns to stop high turnover
Placement of JSS teachers in new CBC structure is critical
In the CBC dispensation, subject areas are not aligned to teaching subjects currently being trained at universities. Junior Secondary comprises of Grade 7, 8, 9.
By Collins Oyuu 9 months ago
Placement of JSS teachers in new CBC structure is critical
Ensure contracted teachers are absorbed on permanent terms
KNUT has been at the forefront of demanding that the government employs more teachers to reduce teachers' workload and enhance quality teaching.
By Collins Oyuu 9 months ago
Ensure contracted teachers are absorbed on permanent terms
Address discrepancies evident in TSC's promotion of teachers
During the time in question, the Teachers' Service Commission (TSC) decided to promote a group of teachers to headship positions without interviews.
By Collins Oyuu 9 months ago
Address discrepancies evident in TSC's promotion of teachers
End exam malpractices; they are giving Kenya a bad name
It will be a big shame to the profession if it turns out to be true that senior members of our teaching fraternity have been involved in aiding cheating in the ongoing KCSE examinations.
By Collins Oyuu 10 months ago
End exam malpractices; they are giving Kenya a bad name
Candidates have prepared well for exams; don't let them down
Sitting a national examination is never an event; it is a process. We call upon parents, guardians and all well-wishers to prepare well to take their children to the next level in 2024.
By Collins Oyuu 10 months ago
Candidates have prepared well for exams; don't let them down
Double investment in education to improve quality and access
Senior secondary school learners have been allocated Sh19,628 per student. This amount should be raised to Sh35,000. Before the split into Senior and Junior Secondary, learners got Sh22,244.
By Collins Oyuu 10 months ago
Double investment in education to improve quality and access
Improve teachers' salaries to boost their morale even further
Kenya should embrace best practices adopted the world over. All stakeholders in the sector must be encouraged to work together for success.
By Collins Oyuu 11 months ago
Improve teachers' salaries to boost their morale even further
Twice daily collection of exam papers will pose challenges
The cause of examination irregularities, however, may not only be the collection and delivery time of examination papers to and from the containers.
By Collins Oyuu 11 months ago
Twice daily collection of exam papers will pose challenges
Failure to release capitation on time causing principals agony
Heads of institutions are already warning that the gaps created by the lack of consistency in disbursements could throw preparations for the national examinations into disarray.
By Collins Oyuu 11 months ago
Failure to release capitation on time causing principals agony
Include cancer management in the new health insurance fund
To fund the grand health scheme, the government plans to increase deductions from the current range of between Sh150 and Sh1,700 to a flat rate calculated at 2.75 per cent of gross monthly earnings.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Include cancer management in the new health insurance fund
Better funding and management is what education sector needs
The framework through which school funds are allocated, distributed, governed and monitored from time immemorial has been handled in a haphazard manner.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Better funding and management is what education sector needs
Teachers in volatile areas deserve government assurance on their safety
Teachers who are non-locals are discriminated against on food prices in the market; they are harassed by some learners and are not able to take any disciplinary measures.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Teachers in volatile areas deserve government assurance on their safety
Lowering retirement age not the answer to youth unemployment
Employment opportunities are created by expanding consumption of goods and services through good leadership and proper and prudent management of public resources.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Lowering retirement age not the answer to youth unemployment
Allow junior secondary teachers to join unions of their choice
All learners graduating from primary schools have a right to join junior schools and thereafter pursue their career path lines in senior school.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Allow junior secondary teachers to join unions of their choice
Engage teachers' unions before making further NSSF deductions
According to the existing terms and conditions of service, officers in the public service expect terminal benefits in accordance with their letters of appointment as an incentive for the services.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Engage teachers' unions before making further NSSF deductions
Hold demonstrations without trampling on rights of children
A protest, also called a demonstration is a public expression to the authorities of objection, disapproval or dissent towards an idea or action, typically a political one.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Hold demonstrations without trampling on rights of children
Proposed reforms and what they mean for the education sector
The Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms findings indicate that public primary schools have 223,296 teachers, but need up to 267,792 teachers.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Proposed reforms and what they mean for the education sector
Timely release of funds will help school principals to plan well
The State must recognise the significance of education and refrain from lumping this important sector with other fields when it comes to allocation in the budget.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Timely release of funds will help school principals to plan well
Why many teachers no longer want to become school heads
TSC should clean up the policy on promotion and staffing of administrators to make the positions admirable and respected.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Why many teachers no longer want to become school heads
State should address causes of stress in teaching profession
Work-related stress accounts for the longest stretches of absenteeism in both formal and non-formal work places in both developed and developing countries.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
State should address causes of stress in teaching profession
Improve public schools to stop commercialisation of education
It is important to note is that there are various causes of privatisation and commercialisation of education in Kenya which can be categorised as demand and supply factors.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Improve public schools to stop commercialisation of education
Time for teachers to consider professional self-regulation
Self-regulation in any profession requires that government acknowledges that a profession's membership has specialised knowledge to govern themselves and address its regulatory functions
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Time for teachers to consider professional self-regulation
End retired teachers long wait for their hard-earned money
We are reminding the government that 23,811 retired teachers of the 1997 salary award are yet to be paid their dues.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
End retired teachers long wait for their hard-earned money
Why most teachers may not be interested in State's housing plan
Most of the housing units are definitely going to be occupied by private sector; 80 per cent targeting the high-end market with the remaining percentage for the middle-income populations.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Why most teachers may not be interested in State's housing plan
Parents have a duty to protect children from harmful practices
Detectives looking into the Shakahola cult deaths have found that most of the bodies exhumed from graves in the area belonged to minors
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Parents have a duty to protect children from harmful practices
As we celebrate Labour Day, give teachers good reason to smile
Labour Day is supposed to be a day of peaceful rallies, demonstrations and celebrations to recognise the struggle workers have gone through to better their work environment.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
As we celebrate Labour Day, give teachers good reason to smile
To save lives, we should rethink safety standards in institutions
The 100 per cent transition policy from primary to secondary may have been a blessing in terms of raising completion rates but also has multiple negative effects on the health of learners.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
To save lives, we should rethink safety standards in institutions
TSC delays on transfer requests causing teachers untold agony
A study should be conducted on the effects of unfulfilled transfer requests to teacher performance in both primary and secondary schools in Kenya.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
TSC delays on transfer requests causing teachers untold agony
Why many students do not want to join teacher training colleges
There are 34 public pre-service primary teacher training colleges in Kenya today offering certificates in Primary Teacher Education.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
Why many students do not want to join teacher training colleges
It's wrong for parents to reject head teachers on flimsy excuses
There is need to establish a performance monitoring structure in which parents have a clear role to play so that both blame and praises are shared among all players.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
It's wrong for parents to reject head teachers on flimsy excuses
It is wrong for parents to reject head teachers on flimsy excuses
Demonstrations, lock-outs and harassment of teachers by the parents for alleged poor performance and bad administration are unfounded, unnecessary and retrogressive.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
It is wrong for parents to reject head teachers on flimsy excuses
State should ensure education is affordable and accessible to all
The fact that we have a large population in need of education means the government should restructure her budgetary allocation in a way that is commensurate with current needs.
By Collins Oyuu 1 year ago
State should ensure education is affordable and accessible to all
Agencies in fresh plan to market Kenyan coffee
By Esther Dianah
13 mins ago
Court suspends former MP's Sh1b succession case
Rift Valley
By Daniel Chege
48 mins ago