IG Koome missed a point on how officers should respond to crisis
State officers may not need to be popular, but they do need to be pre-occupied with how their services can be more rights based and public centred.
By Irungu Houghton 4 months ago
IG Koome missed a point on how officers should respond to crisis
Guard your right to criticise and hold all state officers accountable
Government officers use public finances to sue their detractors, giving them an undue advantage. Parliamentarians must now review several laws that stifle free expression.
By Irungu Houghton 5 months ago
Guard your right to criticise and hold all state officers accountable
The state must protect Senator Omtatah from constant attacks
Over the last year, he has faced several public attacks and raids on his office and home designed to intimidate him from his legislative and litigative duties as an opposition parliamentarian.
By Irungu Houghton 5 months ago
The state must protect Senator Omtatah from constant attacks
Unraveling the complexity of the Shakahola tragedy
Alongside a de-radicalisation and rehabilitation plan we urgently need new regulatory guidelines and programmes that pre-empt future occurrences.
By Irungu Houghton 5 months ago
Unraveling the complexity of the Shakahola tragedy
Festering wound in health sector needs more than threats to heal
An acute health crisis has just boiled over, again. Unattended to, slow-burning issues in the governance of our health now threaten the right to health for millions.
By Irungu Houghton 5 months ago
Festering wound in health sector needs more than threats to heal
We have Dr Chakava to thank for the rights and freedoms we enjoy
Dr Henry Miyinzi Chakava recently passed away after a life devoted to undermining state censorship and promoting the right to free expression.
By Irungu Houghton 6 months ago
We have Dr Chakava to thank for the rights and freedoms we enjoy
How safe are asylum seekers in Kenya and how can we step up?
What could the government learn from other governments currently addressing transnational repression?
By Irungu Houghton 6 months ago
How safe are asylum seekers in Kenya and how can we step up?
Reform the service rather than hide rotten apples in the police
Chief Inspector Walter Nyamato Nyankieya died in a Washington DC hotel this week while attending consultations on the legally distressed police deployment to Haiti.
By Irungu Houghton 7 months ago
Reform the service rather than hide rotten apples in the police
Avoid all forms of victim shaming to protect all from gender violence
Sexual and gender-based violence is not normal. Our silence, jokes, or sense of denial must not license public acceptance. Femicidal behaviour is criminal, and it must stop.
By Irungu Houghton 7 months ago
Avoid all forms of victim shaming to protect all from gender violence
Why Kenyans should protect their public and personal data
Big data breaches are not unique to Kenya. Last year IBM reported that global data breaches amounted to Sh700 million last year, a 15 per cent increase over 3 years.
By Irungu Houghton and Victor Ndede 7 months ago
Why Kenyans should protect their public and personal data
Guard against religious cults out to exploit the vulnerable Kenyans
Kenya has experienced more than six massacres linked to religious extremism in the past 30 years. Shakahola death toll has claimed the most lives.
By Irungu Houghton 8 months ago
Guard against religious cults out to exploit the vulnerable Kenyans
Global justice system on trial as South Africa takes Israel to ICJ
What is the significance of the South Africa petition before the International Court of Justice (ICJ)? More importantly, can it bring the atrocities to an end?
By Irungu Houghton 8 months ago
Global justice system on trial as South Africa takes Israel to ICJ
Blogger's killing: The ball is now in police, ODPP's court
Daniel "Sniper" Muthiani was last seen heading for the residence of Governor Kawira Mwangaza after receiving a call from her associate Vincent Muriithi Kirimi.
By Irungu Houghton 8 months ago
Blogger's killing: The ball is now in police, ODPP's court
It might be time for a new song to raise awareness about Gaza
20,000 human beings, 70 per cent of them non-combatant women and children, lie dead under makeshift graves or below the rubble of homes and hospitals in Gaza.
By Irungu Houghton 8 months ago
It might be time for a new song to raise awareness about Gaza
National awards must tap into vein of leadership and courage
Nearly 1,000 Kenyans were honoured in the pre-Jamhuri Day gazette notice of 16986.
By Irungu Houghton and Njeri Kabeberi 9 months ago
National awards must tap into vein of leadership and courage
Massive global human rights violations
Silence normalises and is fertile soil for state and public apathy. Let us demand that the world remains focused on Sudan and Gaza. Let each of us record and post #StopTheWar 10-second videos.
By Irungu Houghton 9 months ago
Massive global human rights violations
How our silence emboldens those that hurt people based on identity
It has become increasingly fashionable for leaders to associate their parents with the Mau Mau at veteran's funerals. Family genealogies are re-historicised to downplay relatives.
By Irungu Houghton 9 months ago
How our silence emboldens those that hurt people based on identity
Grand corruption and abuse of office killing bottom-up dream
Grand corruption and abuse of office remain the biggest threat to the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda and a second term.
By Irungu Houghton 9 months ago
Grand corruption and abuse of office killing bottom-up dream
Beware push to pass bills that target people based on identity
These domestic interests and their foreign allies are dragging The Presidency into a high-stakes policy distraction that risks licensing horrific crimes and an international backlash.
By Irungu Houghton 10 months ago
Beware push to pass bills that target people based on identity
Children have gone online let us nurture them on the digital path
Given the huge understanding gap between most parents and children, digital safety programs must be designed based on a localised understanding of young people's interests.
By Irungu Houghton 10 months ago
Children have gone online let us nurture them on the digital path
Let's demand integrity from all professionals to safeguard society
Several cases of identity theft and misrepresentation, identity theft and fraud alert us the legal profession is gradually deteriorating.
By Irungu Houghton 10 months ago
Let's demand integrity from all professionals to safeguard society
The world must now find lasting solution to Palestine occupation
Over 4,700 Palestinian civilians, 40 per cent of them children, have been killed in Gaza and the West Bank.
By Irungu Houghton 10 months ago
The world must now find lasting solution to Palestine occupation
Public anger growing against officers out to extort Kenyans
Ceasing the appointment of individuals with tainted histories would restore public faith. Over the last year, no less than 245 corruption cases have been withdrawn against presidential allies.
By Irungu Houghton 10 months ago
Public anger growing against officers out to extort Kenyans
Our nation's model is not based on hatred or bias against anyone
History is replete with religious and political leaders announcing warring crusades or pronouncing fatwas against Muslims, Christians, blacks, the sick, differently abled and women.
By Irungu Houghton 11 months ago
Our nation's model is not based on hatred or bias against anyone
Why Kenya must criminalise enforced disappearance in law
Overlooked and now in need of their legislative attention are the legal loopholes that allow state officers to forcibly disappear suspects or persons in conflict with the law.
By Irungu Houghton 11 months ago
Why Kenya must criminalise enforced disappearance in law
A lot at stake as Kenya police head to Haiti to restore order
What might our police officers face and what lessons might they learn from the last six months of responding to our own civil strife and maandamanos?
By Irungu Houghton 11 months ago
A lot at stake as Kenya police head to Haiti to restore order
How to benefit from inevitable disruptions through use of AI
What are the possibilities and perils of artificial intelligence for Kenya and what guidance must we expect from the ICT Ministry Sector Working Group, announced last week?
By Irungu Houghton 1 year ago
How to benefit from inevitable disruptions through use of AI
Regimes that suppress dissenting voices invite citizen's resistance
Kenya draws its international legitimacy and moral influence from its constitutional order, active citizenry and civil society, an independent press, Judiciary, and several oversight agencies.
By Irungu Houghton 1 year ago
Regimes that suppress dissenting voices invite citizen's resistance
Go beyond carbon markets at the upcoming climate summit
The September 4 to 8 Pan-African summit seeks to establish a united African position ahead of the November COP28 global negotiations.
By Irungu Houghton and David Ngira 1 year ago
Go beyond carbon markets at the upcoming climate summit
Personal data is the new oil hence the need to guard it at all levels
Weak public awareness places millions at the risk of identity theft by criminals and data harvesting by corporate agencies who understand that our personal data is the new oil.
By Irungu Houghton 1 year ago
Personal data is the new oil hence the need to guard it at all levels
Authorities should protect Kenyans from WorldCoin and such data firms
The news that over 350,000 Kenyans have sold their irises to Tools for Humanity alerts us to the dangers of emerging digital technology and the importance of eternal legal vigilance.
By Irungu Houghton 1 year ago
Authorities should protect Kenyans from WorldCoin and such data firms
Micere Mugo taught us to believe in ourselves and triumph over ugliness
Professor Micere Githae Mugo's passing away on June 30th, 2023 could not have been more different than her discreet departure from Kenya in 1982.
By Irungu Houghton 1 year ago
Micere Mugo taught us to believe in ourselves and triumph over ugliness
Power of mercy should insulated from politics, involve more players
For criminal justice to truly work it must be insulated from political influence and corruption. It must deliver justice fairly, equally, and quickly and be founded on transformative justice.
By Irungu Houghton 1 year ago
Power of mercy should insulated from politics, involve more players
Baby Sagini tragedy shows the fear, hate and isolation our families suffer
Political, social, or religious populism is both alluring and corrosive. It sets people against each other and fragments the social fabric of households, communities and nations.
By Irungu Houghton 1 year ago
Baby Sagini tragedy shows the fear, hate and isolation our families suffer
How Ruto's promise of non-partisan police service is quickly being eroded
President William Ruto publicly promised us an independent national police service that would not resort to extra-judicial killings, secret police squads and human rights abuses.
By Irungu Houghton 1 year ago
How Ruto's promise of non-partisan police service is quickly being eroded
We're caught between danger of revolt and chance of reason
The demonstrations, destruction, and deaths have entirely blurred the roles of protest organiser, protester, bystander, looter and police-officer.
By Irungu Houghton 1 year ago
We're caught between danger of revolt and chance of reason
After Shakahola, genuine clergy owe us a debt of self-regulations
With less than five media mentions of Shakahola over the last month, it is safe to say national amnesia and possibly trauma has kicked in and the public has moved on.
By Irungu Houghton 1 year ago
After Shakahola, genuine clergy owe us a debt of self-regulations
Why no one is safe when victims of violence join the defence team
Felix Orinda was shot twice at 07.16am on January 17, 2020, while playing music at the B-Club in Kilimani. CCTV video footage still publicly available, shows Babu discharging a weapon.
By Irungu Houghton 1 year ago
Why no one is safe when victims of violence join the defence team
Tell David Sankok that is no 'love-nest' but an evil trap by sex predators
Roundly accused of promoting rape culture, the moment sadly reflects how much those elected to serve the public can lose sight of the risk women and girls face.
By Irungu Houghton 1 year ago
Tell David Sankok that is no 'love-nest' but an evil trap by sex predators
Kenyans can smell double-speak in government policies and tax plans
Is Kenya at a breaking point? How will the Kenyan state calm this growing public rebellion against exploitative taxation hikes to pay off state capture and ravenous international creditors.
By Irungu Houghton 1 year ago
Kenyans can smell double-speak in government policies and tax plans
This is how Raila will make Ruto president again in 2027
Michael Ndonye
By Michael Ndonye
3 hrs ago
Ruto plans to keep Cabinet, PSs on toes
By Brian Otieno
3 hrs ago