Fake fertiliser scam has revealed ongoing but silent fraud in Kenya
The issue of fake, inauthentic fertilisers is a national emergency that deserves speedy, decisive action.
By Isaac Kalua Green 5 months ago
Fake fertiliser scam has revealed ongoing but silent fraud in Kenya
How to address mental health hurdles affecting 12m Kenyans
One of the triggers of mental health issues is comparison and increased level of materialism. The relentless pursuit of material success can take a toll on mental well-being.
By Isaac Kalua Green 5 months ago
How to address mental health hurdles affecting 12m Kenyans
Only decisive actions can save us from resurgence of road carnage
Last week's road accident on the Nairobi-Mombasa highway, claiming 11 lives from Kenyatta University resonated deeply with every parent, I included.
By Isaac Kalua Green 5 months ago
Only decisive actions can save us from resurgence of road carnage
How corporate CEOs can play big role in securing country's future
The CEOs who steer the medium-sized and large companies in Kenya, hold in their hands, the jobs of millions and they are, therefore, our unsung heroes.
By Isaac Kalua Green 6 months ago
How corporate CEOs can play big role in securing country's future
Why the passport gridlock is hard to break and what Kindiki must do
Last year on May 31, Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki promised to clear the backlog of 42,000 passport applications within 21 days.
By Isaac Kalua Green 6 months ago
Why the passport gridlock is hard to break and what Kindiki must do
How politics, personal steps and private sector can propel Kenya
Kenya's leadership in environmental stewardship, exemplified by hosting the UNEP and UNEA conferences, signifies our role in global sustainability.
By Isaac Kalua Green 6 months ago
How politics, personal steps and private sector can propel Kenya
How we can confront healthcare crisis, avert costly medical errors
My mind is deeply perturbed by the recurring life-threatening events affecting our people, especially because these incidents are occurring in our hospitals, where lives should be saved.
By Isaac Kalua Green 6 months ago
How we can confront healthcare crisis, avert costly medical errors
How sports can enrich our lives and transform Kenya's economy
Kenya should follow the example of Cape Verde by investing in robust sports infrastructure, coaching, and talent development programmes that focus on quality rather than quantity.
By Isaac Kalua Green 7 months ago
How sports can enrich our lives and transform Kenya's economy
What President must do to get our economy out of the sickbed
The path ahead demands a strategic blend of economic farsightedness, investment in growth sectors, and an unwavering commitment to the welfare of Kenyans.
By Isaac Kalua Green 7 months ago
What President must do to get our economy out of the sickbed
We must focus on water security and farm productivity to prosper
God has forever shown kindness to Kenya, a nation often grappling with water scarcity and now, we are witnessing an unusual meteorological phenomenon - abundant rainfall!
By Isaac Kalua Green 8 months ago
We must focus on water security and farm productivity to prosper
Our environmental conservation efforts should have a human face
Policymakers need to thoroughly understand the root causes of the issues they seek to resolve. Without this, the policies risk being self-defeating.
By Isaac Kalua Green 8 months ago
Our environmental conservation efforts should have a human face
Climate conferences need radical rethink to make lasting difference
As long as our farmers continue depending on increasingly erratic rainfall, that mess remains uncleaned. Let's free ourselves from imaginary chains! Ama niaje? Think green, act green!
By Isaac Kalua Green 9 months ago
Climate conferences need radical rethink to make lasting difference
How e-waste can transform lives and inject billions into economy
The global e-waste management market was valued at $63.4 billion in 2022 and projected to grow to $132.5 billion by 2028.
By Isaac Kalua Green 9 months ago
How e-waste can transform lives and inject billions into economy
Let's use our brains to improve national politics, relationships
In the famous words of former President Moi, siasa mbaya maisha mbaya - bad politics results in a bad life. The opposite is true. Good politics results in a good life.
By Isaac Kalua Green 9 months ago
Let's use our brains to improve national politics, relationships
How carbon credits can catalyse our energy transition financing
Unlike various Western countries relying on unclean energy sources like coal, 87 per cent of electricity generated in Kenya last year came from renewable sources such as geothermal and wind.
By Isaac Kalua Green 10 months ago
How carbon credits can catalyse our energy transition financing
Three things we must do to tap into EU's lucrative $16t market
To access the EU market, we must align and empower all our relevant institutions to help farmers grow top-quality produce.
By Isaac Kalua Green 10 months ago
Three things we must do to tap into EU's lucrative $16t market
Key lessons on rice farming from Japan that Kenya should borrow
In 2022, Japan produced nearly 7.5 million metric tons of rice, which was forty times more than Kenya's production, despite Japan being roughly three-quarters the size of Kenya.
By Isaac Kalua Green 10 months ago
Key lessons on rice farming from Japan that Kenya should borrow
Time is ripe for counties to develop new growth strategies
Kenya is currently grappling with a problem so significant it should be declared a national disaster - our 47 counties are underperforming.
By Isaac Kalua Green 11 months ago
Time is ripe for counties to develop new growth strategies
How to navigate population growth, create enough opportunities for all
Recognising the profound potential of our youthful population and intentionally integrating them into the decision-making process can revolutionise our nation's trajectory.
By Isaac Kalua Green 11 months ago
How to navigate population growth, create enough opportunities for all
How Kenya can tackle boda boda safety concerns during El Nino
El Nino is around the corner, which means we will soon experience heavy rains and all that comes with them. We must, therefore, prepare to ensure road safety, especially for motorcycles.
By Isaac Kalua Green 11 months ago
How Kenya can tackle boda boda safety concerns during El Nino
Act now before El Nino rains to make the crisis an opportunity
The upcoming El Nino presents myriad business opportunities which may include rainwater harvesting, flood resistant housing, climate resilient agriculture, disaster preparedness training
By Isaac Kalua Green 11 months ago
Act now before El Nino rains to make the crisis an opportunity
How simply celebrating your age can make Kenya a green paradise
Kenyans' median age is 19.6 years. If every Kenyan pledged to plant an average 19.6 trees annually, we would end up with 1.08 billion trees annually.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
How simply celebrating your age can make Kenya a green paradise
Ruto's green ride to KICC is a call for Africa to take up electric cars
Autopax, the Kenyan company behind the electric car that the President drove, has proved Africa has what it takes to offer electric cars.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
Ruto's green ride to KICC is a call for Africa to take up electric cars
We can reap big from forests we sow without cutting down
Timber companies should also plant their own timber trees instead of relying on public forests. Away from any political shenanigans, Ruto has the best interests of our forests at heart.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
We can reap big from forests we sow without cutting down
Why youth should lead push for change to our 2010 Constitution
Some 75 per cent of Kenyans are below the age of 35. Among them are my two daughters and son. They are the biggest beneficiaries of a vibrant Constitution that safeguards their livelihoods.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
Why youth should lead push for change to our 2010 Constitution
How diaspora job opportunities can boost our economic growth
Youth aged between 15 and 34, have the highest unemployment rate at 67 per cent. We must therefore do everything possible to put out this fire of chronic unemployment among our youth.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
How diaspora job opportunities can boost our economic growth
After ten years of devolution this is what we must do for it to work
A report by the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee (IGRTC) shows that ten years after devolution, there are functions still being undertaken by the central government.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
After ten years of devolution this is what we must do for it to work
Why we must restore upper Tana River area and nurture more trees
Tree growing is in line with the government's goal of planting and growing 15.7 billion trees by 2032. For that to happen, we need to plant an average of 4.7 million trees daily.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
Why we must restore upper Tana River area and nurture more trees
Mombasa Port should turn around East Africa's economy, create jobs
The President's directive to reduce the weighbridges from six to two and to remove all police roadblocks should be implemented with the urgency it deserves.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
Mombasa Port should turn around East Africa's economy, create jobs
Restore the family unit to heal our hurting nation and prosper
In yet another case of a broken family as featured through media a 90-year-old lady was kicked out of her house by her own grandson due to a land squabble. What heartlessness!
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
Restore the family unit to heal our hurting nation and prosper
Why Kenya urgently needs power of reconciliation, honest dialogue
Reconciliation restores unity, entrenches a joint pathway, and fuels the journey towards the same direction yet again. In so doing, reconciliation heals, fills and frees.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
Why Kenya urgently needs power of reconciliation, honest dialogue
Londiani accident should serve as a turning point on road safety
At the Londiani junction, motorists stop right in the middle of the road to buy roast maize or fresh vegetables. Hawkers swarm around the junction due to slow traffic caused by the many road bumps.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
Londiani accident should serve as a turning point on road safety
Debate on our forests should go beyond the money from timber
One large tree can supply up to four people with oxygen for a day, the older the tree the more oxygen it releases. As such, trees essentially breathe life into us.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
Debate on our forests should go beyond the money from timber
What we must do to benefit from electric mobility, green economy
The electric vehicles are tailored to meet the unique needs of the Kenyan market. This is only the latest in a series of developments that have put Kenya in pole position to be a global leader
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
What we must do to benefit from electric mobility, green economy
Make reconciliation a catalyst for our economic and social recovery
Observing the issues that bedevil our nation every day, I sincerely appreciate the urgent need to shun conflict with nature and one another at all costs.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
Make reconciliation a catalyst for our economic and social recovery
Politics should not obscure noble provisions in Ruto's first budget
The budget has planted the right seedlings in the right places. However, there are hundreds of thousands of people in those places who must nurture those seedlings to maturity.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
Politics should not obscure noble provisions in Ruto's first budget
Ruto should activate Bribery Act to rally Kenyans support against graft
Lowering corruption and bringing sub-Saharan Africa's governance to the world average could increase the region's GDP per capita by an estimated 1 to 2 percentage points a year.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
Ruto should activate Bribery Act to rally Kenyans support against graft
What we must do to strengthen the middle class and grow the economy
As per the bank's macro poverty outlook, 18.8 million or 34.3 per cent of Kenyans, live below the poverty line of Sh220 a day.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
What we must do to strengthen the middle class and grow the economy
Why the Finance Bill will hurt fledgling middle class the most
Kenya's middle class is the centre that holds the country together. If it falls apart, the country too inevitably falls apart.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
Why the Finance Bill will hurt fledgling middle class the most
Let's fix perennial milk shortage using simple and local solutions
There is an acute shortage of milk, according to the Kenya Dairy Board. We are experiencing a deficit of about 20 million litres every month against 74 million litres.
By Isaac Kalua Green 1 year ago
Let's fix perennial milk shortage using simple and local solutions
Will Douglas Kanja end police impunity?
By Josphat Thiong'o
35 mins ago
How container cash deposits are creating a problem for Kenyan traders
Shipping & Logistics
By Patrick Beja
35 mins ago
MPs probe Moi University's Sh3b bank loan to buy Rivatex
By Josphat Thiongó
35 mins ago