World Vision launches 'ENOUGH' campaign to tackle hunger, malnutrition in Kenya
According to the 2023 Global Hunger Index (GHI) Kenya ranked at the 90th position of the 125 countries with sufficient data to calculate the Global Hunger Index. This is a grim ranking.
By Rose Mukonyo 4 months ago
World Vision launches 'ENOUGH' campaign to tackle hunger, malnutrition in Kenya
Why women aren't lining up for life-saving screening, vaccine
Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality in Kenya with an estimated 3,200 deaths in 2020 according to the National Institutes of Health.
By Rose Mukonyo 4 months ago
Why women aren't lining up for life-saving screening, vaccine
Medics warn police boss after picketing orders
Koome had issued a statement warning medics against inconveniencing members of the public through their demonstrations.
By Rose Mukonyo 5 months ago
Medics warn police boss after picketing orders
Ruto going against KK manifesto, unions say
KMPDU Secretary General Davji Bhimji Atella on Monday claimed that it is clear the government has refused to address perennial ills ailing the health sector.
By Rose Mukonyo 5 months ago
Ruto going against KK manifesto, unions say
Young environmentalist working with schools to conserve environment
Wanjira has also been working with the county government and the national government in river clean-ups in an initiative dubbed Adopt-a-river, in collaboration with UNEP.
By Rose Mukonyo 5 months ago
Young environmentalist working with schools to conserve environment
School water tank projects quench learners', families' thirst
For the pupils of Kithiani school, the story is changing for the better because the school now has a 10,000-litre water tank.
By Rose Mukonyo 6 months ago
School water tank projects quench learners', families' thirst
Learning new skills to keep poverty, dependence at bay
Women have used killed they have learned to save and borrow loans to buy raw materials for their small businesses and also to cater for other household needs.
By Rose Mukonyo 6 months ago
Learning new skills to keep poverty, dependence at bay
Students create robot to help them with chores
The Lobster is a robot created by a group of students to collect litter around the school compound.
By Rose Mukonyo 6 months ago
Students create robot to help them with chores
Second chance for Covid-19 teen moms
Life has not been easy for these teen moms, and they admit that their lives will never be the same should they get another opportunity to get back to class.
By Rose Mukonyo 7 months ago
Second chance for Covid-19 teen moms
Does your baby really have colic? Here's how you can tell
Dr Peninah Musyoka, a Pediatrician at Machakos Children's Clinic says a mother should check her baby to identify why the baby is crying because perhaps the baby is unwell or has pain.
By Rose Mukonyo 8 months ago
Does your baby really have colic? Here's how you can tell
Spending time with the elderly? Check their medications
While catching up with the elderly and finding out how they are faring, it is important to inquire and check what drugs they are on especially those with chronic diseases.
By Rose Mukonyo 8 months ago
Spending time with the elderly? Check their medications
Watch your child's teeth this festive season
The festive season is here and it comes with its treats, especially for children who enjoy every single drop of soft drinks, sweets, cakes and all sorts of sugary snacks.
By Kamau Muthoni, Rose Mukonyo 8 months ago
Watch your child's teeth this festive season
High school students adopt traditional use of cow dung fuel to make briquettes
The students said the innovation is their way of contributing to the fight against the devastating impact of climate change by looking at solutions that are practical and sustainable.
By Rose Mukonyo 10 months ago
High school students adopt traditional use of cow dung fuel to make briquettes
Common cold in children
Some of the patients with the common cold will present with a fever, a dry cough, sneezing, and nasal discharge, a child will not be feeding well and may be irritable and crying.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Common cold in children
How new technique can spur learners' curiosity
A teaching and learning method using the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) allows the learners to feed into their curiosity by asking relevant questions as guided by the teacher
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
How new technique can spur learners' curiosity
When nurses go the extra mile to help their patients conquer cancer
It could go either way for patients when they learn that they have cancer -- while some might get stuck in a state of despair, others initiate treatment immediately.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
When nurses go the extra mile to help their patients conquer cancer
Misinformation 'still a major catalyst for HIV-related stigma'
24 per cent of women and 17 per cent of men aged between 15 and 49 years have discriminating attitudes towards individuals with HIV.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Misinformation 'still a major catalyst for HIV-related stigma'
Vape at your own risk
Instead of smoke from lit tobacco, the user inhales vapour, which is why using the e-cigarette is called 'vaping'. The vape consists of an atomiser, a power source such as a battery
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Vape at your own risk
Old wives' tales for predicting a baby's gender: Myth or reality?
Some women swear by these old wives' tales, but many others say they do not work. A common belief is that if a woman has craving for sweet things she is expecting a girl.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Old wives' tales for predicting a baby's gender: Myth or reality?
That screen could be the cause of your child's speech delay, insomnia
World Health Organisation recommends no screen time for babies under 2 years and no more than one hour of screen time a day for those aged 2 to 4 years.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
That screen could be the cause of your child's speech delay, insomnia
Menstrual hygiene: Time to put an end to period poverty
Women and girls are advised to wash their hands before and after using their menstrual products, discard used disposable menstrual products properly, and change the sanitary pads.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Menstrual hygiene: Time to put an end to period poverty
Right to health is far from being enjoyed in Kenya, says ICJ Kenya Chapter
ICJ recommends the improvement of access to quality healthcare services through capacity development and technical assistance to counties.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Right to health is far from being enjoyed in Kenya, says ICJ Kenya Chapter
Menstrual hygiene, a human right - period
According to UNICEF, every month, 1.8 billion people across the world menstruate and millions of those people are unable to manage their menstrual cycle in a dignified and healthy manner.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Menstrual hygiene, a human right - period
Solar lamps help relieve eye, breathing problems
Families that used kerosene lamps had eyesight and respiratory problems due to soot. Solar lamps have helped reduce health problems, and now students can study better.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Solar lamps help relieve eye, breathing problems
Cultic leaders train their eyes on 'soft targets'
Prof. Geoffrey Wango, a counselling psychologist at the University of Nairobi, terms these religious leaders or "guiding lights" narcissists filled with sadism, cruelty, and madness.
By Rose Mukonyo and Nancy Nzau 1 year ago
Cultic leaders train their eyes on 'soft targets'
Beware of diabetes threat in children
Type 1 diabetes is the most common in children which could be caused by genetics, family history, and certain viruses. Doctors advise for regular check-ups, exercises and a healthy diet.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Beware of diabetes threat in children
My baby got kidney injury days after birth
Children with acute kidney injury may present with different signs and symptoms such as severe dehydration, a baby may look weak and lethargic, and some may have convulsions.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
My baby got kidney injury days after birth
'We can change the way we look at newborn screening'
Some of the diseases that can be detected through genetics are Down syndrome, Spina bifida, Sickle cell, Turner syndrome and albinism among others.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
'We can change the way we look at newborn screening'
Food poisoning: Be aware of what you eat, drink
Most cases occur in institutions and restaurants, and sometimes at home. Symptoms can include cramping, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Food poisoning: Be aware of what you eat, drink
Hope for patients as research on artificial kidney progresses
The device replicates many functions of healthy kidneys and patients using it will not require immunosuppression drugs.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Hope for patients as research on artificial kidney progresses
When my son did not cry at birth, I knew something was wrong
Having a child with Down Syndrome, Nabooze noticed the stigma and lack of social support for children with disabilities and founded Angels Centre for Children with Special Needs.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
When my son did not cry at birth, I knew something was wrong
I did not let my challenges stop me from achieving my dreams
Dr Carol Nthiwa is a urologist with a specialisation in urologic oncology being the first female locally trained urologic oncologist in the country.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
I did not let my challenges stop me from achieving my dreams
New technology in the diagnosis and treatment of TB brings hope to many
Medics say the new tools have helped in easier and faster diagnosis including edging towards finding the 40 per cent of missing cases thereby reducing further community transmission of TB.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
New technology in the diagnosis and treatment of TB brings hope to many
Locals reel under water shortage as day marked
This year's World Water Day is about accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis, where everyone is needed to take action.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Locals reel under water shortage as day marked
Everyone needs to be involved in tackling the water crisis
This year's World Water Day is about accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis, where everyone is needed to take action.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Everyone needs to be involved in tackling the water crisis
Why women below 40 need cancer screening
According to Dr Mutuma, early diagnosis and treatment is not as costly as late treatment regimes.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Why women below 40 need cancer screening
No condoms? Don't recycle!
Condoms have become a scarce commodity in the wake of 'super gonorrhoea' and an increase in new HIV infections in the country.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
No condoms? Don't recycle!
'Multiple pregnancies require special care for babies to survive'
Multiple babies survive in developed countries, where hospitals are well-equipped and have special care for such mothers.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
'Multiple pregnancies require special care for babies to survive'
How stigma turns people with HIV away from health facilities
There is need to create a friendly environment for young people and mothers who are a key population in reducing HIV infection.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
How stigma turns people with HIV away from health facilities
Daily habits to improved mental health
Social relations and spending time with those we love boosts our confidence and moods. Practice gratitude, forgive others and reward yourself.
By Rose Mukonyo 1 year ago
Daily habits to improved mental health
This is how Raila will make Ruto president again in 2027
Michael Ndonye
By Michael Ndonye
4 hrs ago
Ruto plans to keep Cabinet, PSs on toes
By Brian Otieno
4 hrs ago